Monday, November 23, 2015


Don’t Buy an iMRS, MRS 2000, Bemer 3000, QRS Quantron, Medithera, Magnopro, Curatron, MAS System, Ondamed, Pap-imi, PMT-100 or PEMF 100, MG-33 or MG-Pro, PEMF4000, Pulsed Energy Tech or any PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Therapy Device Until You Read This.”

Our 30 Day Guaranteed Money Back Trial Offer!
Dear Wellness Doctors,
Thank you for your interest and discovering the miraculous and exciting, innovative technology ever created! The PEMF8000 New Generation device is dramatically assisting and presently restoring whole health to many clients and patients of the wellness community!
Join us for an exciting journey of stimulating health information and the most amazing creative technology advancements ever witnessed in the field of health!
COMPARE!  PEMF8000  Most Affordable! Most Effective! Quality of Whole Body Health! Fastest Healing PEMF Device! Not Days!  Minutes to Pain Relief!
PEMF 8000 Testimony
“PEMF 8000 Changed the State of Affairs of Medical Health”
PEMF 8000 TestimonyPEMF 8000 is a device which runs on the principle of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. This kind of therapy has been seen to be highly effective in many cases. Basically it affects the root cause of any chronic pain, and thus can heal the cause of the pain altogether, giving instant reliefs.
PEMF 8000 is safe to use. It transports a field charge around your body by stimulating this charge around your cells. It transports the charge within 10 nano seconds per pulse. This charge of micro current electricity is run through your body deeply at a cellular level and thus your body gets healing from the very core of it.
So, this micro current which is safely passed through your body via PEMF 4000, helps to kill the bacteria in the focused region. The removal of bacteria helps the body to regain its original health. Not only that, but this electricity also helps the body to dispose the toxins. Thus the body’s ability to take in nutrients increases. The more nutrients taken in by the body, the faster it heals.
Built in the US, PEMF 8000 is the first of its kind device which can cure the body of pain within a matter of 60 seconds barely. This has already been utilized by several chronic treatment centers. But it can also be used at home as the usage is quite easy.
Once you start using PEMF8000, you can see the results immediately. It takes you about three days to gauge the results completely. In fact, using them regularly can cure you of your ailment completely. Frozen joints have been seen to be healed completely after treatment with this device. Soft tissues and spurs have also seen to be reduced.
PEMF 8000 is useful for the treatment for so many things. Even wrinkles can be treated by this therapy. With the easy handling, anyone can use it at their homes. Especially people in their old age who have joint pain or other painful conditions can make use of PEMF8000 to relieve themselves.

Research has also shown that PEMF8000 is effective in reducing the signs of aging.

It can not only reduce aches and pains, but also reduce the fatigue that comes with age. Doctors of chiropractic practices have been utilizing this technique to relieve their patients of ailments. Since this is the only product in the market that is effective at reducing pain in such less time, PEMF8000 is largely used by medicinal enthusiasts around the world. You can check out the reviews of this product online. It has been developed based on the studies conducted by the National Institute of Health and other reputed sources.
More research is now being conducted to improve the effects of this products and to use it more widely for curing other ailments as well. For now, this product is being widely used around the world by different medical institutions.

PEMF 8000 Whole Body RechargePEMF 8000, The Whole Body Battery Re-charger 

PEMF devices are literally a “whole body battery re-charger”, and by using a PEMF therapy mat just 2 times a day for 8 minutes, you recharge your 100 trillion cells, improve ATP production, increase oxygenation, enhance circulation, increase hydration, facilitate detoxification, and gain a better absorption of nutrients.
I have seen pulsed magnetic therapy help so many people with so many different conditions, especially with pain relief and better sleep; I feel that I can almost guarantee it will help anyone. Of course, I don’t guarantee anything and I certainly do not make any claims for treating or curing any disease, but when you see not just one, not just a dozen, but literally hundreds of people benefit in such profound ways; you speak with passion and confidence.
And these are hundreds of people I have personally worked with; not just second-hand testimonials or anecdotal evidence. And PEMF therapy can help YOU too! Whether you are in perfect health, or you have any kind of intermittent or chronic issue! If your body is out of balance, PEMF can “jump start” the healing process. Imagine putting little tiny jumper cables on all 100 trillion cells and jump-starting them back to health.

PEMF Research has More than 10,000 Scientific Papers and 2000 double-blind studies

More than 10,000 scientific papers have been published about the effect of PEMF. Many of the studies have been carried out in Russia and Eastern Europe, but more and more research is now taking place in the U.S., and PEMF even now has FDA recognition for a few different conditions. PEMF is a non-contact, non-invasive, non-pharmacological and effective treatment for many conditions.

Worldwide more than 2,000 double-blind, university level medical PEMF 8000 TESTIMONYstudies have demonstrated that PEMF therapy is a safe and effective treatment for a variety of medical conditions, as well as to promote and maintain general cellular health and function.
PEMF therapy has been used extensively for decades for many conditions and medical disciplines, and results can be seen in animals as well as humans. The National Institutes of Health have made PEMF therapy a priority for research. In fact, the FDA has already approved many PEMF devices, some specifically to fuse broken bones, wound healing, pain and tissue swelling, and also to treat depression. Most therapeutic PEMF devices are considered safe by various standards and organizations.
But just to be clear, PEMF therapy or any energy medicine device for the matter does not heal or cure disease. What it does is assists the body so it can heal itself. The body is self-healing, self-regulating and self-regenerating and can heal itself if it is given energy and the right elements needed to sustain life (More on the five essential elements in the next chapter).

Frequency Does Matter! The Key to Understanding PEMF

pemf 8000 DeviceIntensity is a little easier to understand as it’s just the strength, amplitude or dosage of something (or the amount). Frequency is a little more complex, but its crucial to understanding energy medicine and PEMF Therapy so we’ll carefully define it.
I promise it will be well worth carefully absorbing this section and the next as it contains the most important thesis on this website, which is the FACT that frequency is the KEY to PEMF therapy, not intensity. And as we’ll see, it’s specifically the frequency that the earth’s magnetic field and ionosphere

(Schumann Resonance).

These Earth frequencies are primarily in the 0-30 Hz range and they exactly match the frequencies of our body, mind, tissues and cells. So give me your full attention for this page and the next and I promise you’ll glean a much greater appreciation for the importance of Earth based PEMF therapy. Let’s begin by defining frequency.

What is Frequency?

clip_image015It’s easiest to think of frequency in terms of waves and it is measured in the hertz unit, named in honor of the 19th-century German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.
The hertz measurement, abbreviated Hz, is the number of waves that pass by per second, or the cycles per second or number of oscillations per second. For example, an “A” note on a violin string vibrates at about 440 Hz (440 vibrations per second). Frequency is an abstract mathematical concept that applies to many physical phenomenon's.
For example, water waves are a visual way to see frequency. If there are a lot of waves in a small given area that would be a high frequency relative to a small number of waves (see image to the left).

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Pemf The Electromagnetic SpectrumThe most important application of frequency is in the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes visible light. The mysterious and vitally important photon is the force-carrying particle behind ALL electromagnetic interactions.
Basically the photon carries or transmits the “force” responsible for all electrical interactions between charged particles, which are mainly the electron and proton in our everyday world. But the photon does even more. It makes up all visible light, radio waves, infrared waves, x-rays and gamma rays and everything in between which in totality comprises entire electromagnetic spectrum as pictured to the left.
The lowest frequencies in this spectrum are radio waves that can have a wavelength up to several hundred miles. Then, in order of increasing frequency, there is microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, gamma rays and cosmic rays.
Notice we can only “see” a small tiny “slice” or portion of the electromagnetic spectrum which is visible light. The Sun is a source of most of the electromagnetic rays we experience on a daily basis, which is mostly from the infrared through the visible to the ultraviolet end of the spectrum. Some animals can see into the infrared and ultraviolet, but the human eye can only detect around 400 – 700 nm wavelength which is around 10^14 cycles per second (a VERY HIGH frequency) corresponding to colors red through violet.
Infrared is aptly named, as it is just “below” red, and ultraviolet is just “above” violet. Interestingly, the peak emissions from the sun are in this range such that the human eye seemed to evolve in synch with the emissions from the sun. Infrared and ultraviolet are not the peak emission but are definitely present as evidenced in the warmth we feel from the sun (infrared) and the sunburn we can experience from ultraviolet.
The earth itself emits frequencies which are all important for life to exist. These are the earth’s natural PEMFs that we need as an essential element for life and our health. Let’s take a closer look at the two components of frequency that the earth emits. The first is the resonant frequency of the Ionosphere called the Schumann Resonance and the second is the actual frequency of the earth’s magnetic field called the geomagnetic frequency.

The Body – Mind – Earth Connection (0-30 Hz)

clip_image017We hear a lot of talk about the Body – Mind connection and while it is important and based on science, it is missing ONE very essential component… THE EARTH!
If you can understand this section, you will understand exactly why we need pulsed magnetic intensities matching the earth with a frequency range of 0 – 30 Hz. 0 -30 Hz is the magic range and there is both scientific evidence and elegant beauty as to why your body needs this frequency range, especially the 7 – 8 Hz range (Schumann resonance). The chart to the left summarizes the Body – Mind – Earth Connection.
First the earth emanates primarily this frequency range through both the Schumann resonance and its higher harmonics and also the frequency of the Earth’s magnetic field and its higher harmonics. Next our brain and central nervous system are tuned to this frequency range as evidenced by the medically established EEG brain state frequencies from low delta to high Beta.
Next Sisken and Walker proved that the tissues in our body resonate primarily to this frequency range and Adey and Bawin showed that the actual biological window of our cells resonates to this range and NOT outside of it. Finally and perhaps most incredible is the research of Dr. Zimmerman, co-pioneer of the SQUID technology developed for measuring very weak magnetic fields. He found that energy healers actually EMIT these frequencies and this was confirmed by Japanese researcher Seto on Chi Kung practitioners. Thus we have the frequencies of life 0 -30 Hz. Let’s take a little closer look at this…

Schumann Resonance Frequencies – The “Heartbeat” of the Earth

PEMF CELL HEALIt’s interesting that you can easily rearrange the word “Earth” and get “Heart”. The earth is a living organism, and if there were a heartbeat to the earth it would be the Schumann resonance frequencies.
Just as a tuning fork has resonant frequencies for sound, so the planet earth and the ionosphere surrounding it have resonance frequencies for electromagnetic radiation called the Schumann Resonances. Basically the ionosphere with the Earth’s surface creates a spherical wave-guide that surrounds the earth.
Low frequency electromagnetic waves bounce around this waveguide, which is how radio signals can be transmitted around the globe. The fundamental frequency of this spherical cavity of the earth is 7.83 hertz, which, like a tuning fork, is the earth’s fundamental “note”. These frequencies are excited mainly by lightning strikes (5000 lightning strike every minute) in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere, but can also be induced by solar flares. 
More than 7 million lightning strikes the earth each day, which “ring” the proverbial bell of the ionosphere that chimes to the note of 7.83 and higher harmonics or octaves (as we’ll see). This natural frequency pulsation is not a fixed number, but an average of global readings, though the primary fundamental frequency is usually close to 7.83 Hz. The Schumann Resonance actually fluctuates due to geographical location, lightning, solar flares, atmospheric ionization and daily cycles. And contrary to the New Age discussions, the fundamental Schumann Resonance is not rising, at least according to continuous monitoring from geological observatories around the world. And just as a piano has varying octaves of “C”, so too does Schumann frequencies have higher octaves or harmonics, the primary ones being in the 0-30 Hz range, which as we’ll see in the next section is the most important frequency range for or body, mind and cells .
Note: the first harmonic of 7.83 is by far the strongest with each subsequent harmonic diminishing in intensity. For all practical purpose harmonics above the fifth are virtually non-detectable. The Primary Harmonics of the Schumann Resonance 1st Harmonic 7.83 Hz 2nd Harmonic 14.07 Hz 3rd Harmonic 20.25 Hz 4th Harmonic 26.41 Hz 5th Harmonic 32.45 Hz It is important to note that the Schumann Waves are quasi-standing waves or scalar waves and as such are more fundamental than electromagnetic waves. One simple way to understand this is that the 7.83 Schumann scalar wave is the prime “channel” or broadcasting frequency for all of life on earth. It appears all animals and living organism are tuned to this frequency and its harmonics and it is the most important facet of the Earth PEMF (along with the earth’s magnetic field and its frequencies) that we need for life. We all march to the cadence of this cosmic drummer — our planetary heartbeat, which sets the tempo for our health and well-being.

The Frequencies of the Earth’s Magnetic Field (11.75 and 11.79 Hz).

blog PEMFIf you look at a compass under high magnification, you will see that it vibrates and fluctuates.
The earth’s magnetic field is not a constant magnetic field like a bar magnet, but varies with time and it has a measurable frequency just like the Schumann resonance from the Ionosphere. Compelling evidence of the earth’s geomagnetic frequencies is found in Klaus Piontzik’s book, “The Lattice Structure of the Earth’s Magnetic Fields” whereby Piontzik lays out a derivation of the fundamental frequency of the earth’s magnetic grid.
Using Fourier analysis and geomagnetic data from 200 measuring stations around the world, Klaus has discovered that the earth’s magnetic field has an oscillating structure with source points coming from four poles (not just two). That is, the earth is a quasi-quadruple. His model shows that several of the popular energy grids (the basis for lay-lines in dowsing) such as the Hartman grid, Curry grid, and others are actually harmonics within the earth’s actual geomagnetic field and its frequencies (see image to the left).
The earth’s magnetic field is MORE than just a static or DC (direct current) field; it has a frequency harmonic as well. This frequency was found by Piontzik to be 11.79 Hz at the poles and 11.75 Hz at the equator. The difference coming from the fact that the Earth “bulges” at the equator due to centrifugal forces of its rotation. So the earths magnetic field itself has a fundamental frequency and that frequency is 11.79 Hz (polar) and 11.75 (equatorial). And like the Schumann frequency, it too has higher harmonics which at the Pole Radius are 11.79 Hz, 16.67 Hz, 23.58 Hz. and 30.80 Hz. Nikola Tesla also measured the frequency of the earth to be around 12 Hz and based some of his free energy devices on this frequency.
PEMF FREQUENCYIt is important to note that the primary frequencies and harmonics for both the Schuman and geomagnetic frequencies lie within 0-30 Hz. As we’ll see, this 0-30 Hz is the primary window of frequencies that the earth emits and also that the human body, mind and cells resonate to which is one of the main points on this website.

Brain State Frequencies (0-30 Hz)

Brain State Frequencies PEMFFrequencies the Cells Resonate to and Absorb (0-30Hz)
Beginning in the mid-70s, W.R. Adey and S.M. Bawin did several experiments with brain tissues of chickens and cats. They irradiated the tissue with a wide range pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) intensities and frequencies. In their investigation, Adey and Bawin found a range of frequencies and intensities in which treated cells responded.
Outside of these ranges or “windows”; however, there was no response or only a minimal response at best. The experimentally determined frequency range is known as the Adey Window or more descriptive the biological window of frequencies that living cells respond to in a favorable way. The Adey window corresponds exactly to the primary frequencies of the earth’s Schumann and geomagnetic fields, which we demonstrated is also 0 – 30 Hz.

Evidence that our cells and Tissues need 0-30Hz PEMF

clip_image022At the level of tissues, the same 0-30 Hz frequency range has been shown to have the most positive benefits on the human body. The Table to the left lists frequencies in the 0-30 Hz that biomedical researchers are finding that are effective for jump starting healing in a variety of soft and hard tissues. In 1995, Siskin & Walker noted that an ELF of 2Hz stimulated nerve regeneration, and a frequency of 7Hz can be used to stimulate bone growth.
Frequencies of 10Hz promotes ligament healing, and 15, 20, and 72Hz may be used to decrease skin necrosis and stimulate capillary formation. Since tissues and organs are made of cells this research further confirms the hypothesis that the human body needs, resonates and responds to the 0-30 Hz range of frequencies.

Frequencies Emitted from Energy Healers and Chi Kung Masters (0 – 30 Hz)

PEMF frequenciesIn the early 1980’s, Dr. John Zimmerman began a series of important studies on therapeutic touch, using a SQUID magnetometer at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver. Zimmerman discovered that a huge pulsating bio magnetic field emanated from the hands of a TT practitioner. The frequency of the pulsations is not steady, but “sweeps” up and down, from 0.3 to 30 Hz (cycles per second), with most of the activity in the range of 7-8 Hz.
The bio magnetic pulsations from the hands are in the same frequency range as brain waves and scientific studies of the frequencies necessary for healing indicate that they naturally sweep back and forth through the full range of therapeutic frequencies, thus being able to stimulate healing in any part of the body. Confirmation of Zimmerman’s findings came in 1992, when Seto and colleagues, in Japan, studied practitioners of various martial arts and other healing methods.
The “Qi emission” from the hands is so strong that they can be detected with a simple magnetometer consisting of two coils, of 80,000 turns of wire. Again it was found that the Qi Kung Practitioners emitted the same frequency range of 0-30 Hz.

Lower Frequencies of the Earth – Completing the 0-30 Hz range

PEMF 8000 energyWe saw that the primary harmonic frequencies of the Schumann resonances and the geomagnetic frequencies were between 7-30 Hz. So what about the lower frequencies from 0-7 Hz, which as we’ll see are a vital spectrum of frequencies as well, such as in the delta and theta brain wave frequencies?
Here are some natural frequencies of different radii on the earth, month and sun that seem to correspond to the Delta and Theta waves of the Human Brain that perhaps may explain why we operate at these lower frequency also.
Plasma Sheet (opposite Sun), inner radius = 60,000 km 0.8 Hz
Magnetopause (toward Sun), radius = 60,000 km 0.8 Hz
Geosynchronous orbit, radius = 35,000 km 1.4 Hz
Outer Van Allen electron belt, outer radius = 25,000 km 2 Hz
Inner Van Allen proton belt, outer radius = 12,000 km 4 Hz
Inner Van Allen proton belt, inner radius = 8,400 km 5.7 Hz As to the following frequencies: Magnetopause (opposite Sun), radius = 380,000 km 0.125 Hz
Plasma Sheet (opposite Sun), outer radius = 380,000 km 0.125 Hz
Moon orbit, radius = 384,000 km 0.125 Hz This is important, because next we are going to discuss perhaps the MOST important insight on this site, namely the BODY – MIND – EARTH Connection and why 0-30 Hz is the most important healing frequencies the body needs (and the earth gives us!).
Conclusion: 0 – 30 Hz, The Frequencies of Life!The Frequencies of Life! pemf
O.K., now for the exciting conclusion:
Can you guess which frequencies are ideal for the human body and optimal health? If you answer 0 -30 Hz, give yourself a pat on the back.
I hope this makes sense, because it is such an amazing blend of scientific fact and intuitive understanding coupled with sheer and elegant beauty. This is the Body – Mind – Earth connection and the BEST pulsed magnetic therapy device should use primarily 0 -30 Hz… As we shall see in the reviews, there is really only one such device, though there are a few others that are close. Just remember that the Earth primarily emits this frequency range, our brains run and operate both day and night in this frequency range and our cells and tissues resonate to these frequencies and most amazingly, we actually emit from our hands these very frequencies.
It amazes me that more magnetic pulsing devices do not use this frequency range??? To me the obvious choice is a device that concentrates on these frequencies using the intensities of the earth as well.


clip_image028 pemf 8000 Device
Call me Today Charles Farricielli  203-214-5454  Cell Call or Text   or e-mail

“Here Are Our PEMF Educational BLOG Links”

PEMF 8000 Device Comparison

PEMF technology is revolutionizing the way doctors treat pain - and while
there are many different devices available, there is very little information
explaining what make some PEMF machine better than any other.
If you're like the rest of us, you probably found lots of confusing numbers
and scientific Terms when you tried to find the real difference between these machines
You know, the kind of information you can't find in a sales pitch!
That's why; right here and right now, we are going to clear the fog
surrounding what makes one PEMF machine better than another - so you can make an informed decision as a doctor or patient looking to experiment with one for yourself.
Why PEMF Works
To make a wiser buying decision, it helps to know what's happening when you
use a PEMF device. We're going to go over the basics so you have a clearer
understanding of what is really going on during your PEMF treatment. After you know, you may
find it's easier to get a sense of which kind of PEMF device will work best for you.
We'll keep this short, sweet and simple so remember to take mental notes because
they'll help you when we start comparing the different machines.
The first PEMF device was called a 'lightning' machine for a reason! PEMF
works because it charges up your cells with electricity. Problems that the PEMF
treats such as chronic pain can only happen in areas of low voltage in the body. That is,
places where the cells are low on energy for any number of reasons (injury, fatigue,
illness, etc).
A PEMF machine sends extra electrical charge to those low energy areas using
magnetic fields to carry it into the body. Basically, the device send a 'package' of
energy into the low energy areas - think of the magnetic field as the envelope and the
electricity as the message! And when the cells receive that electricity they immediately use it to heal the body - and relief can happen very quickly (within seconds to minutes)
depending on the device.
What makes the PEMF8000 device different than the others?
There are only two big differences between PEMF machines:
1) How much electricity you get with each pulse.
There are two types of PEMF device: High Power and Low Power. Each gets
results but performs best in different situations. You can tell the difference between
machines by how many 'Tesla per pulse' it has - more Tesla equals more power!
High Power devices like the PEMF8000 range up in the milliTesla (mT) per
pulse. They make a loud 'pop' sound during treatment because of an internal 'spark'
process used to generate the magnetic field. And you can feel immediate pain relieving
results with them within minutes (or, in the case of the PEMF8000, seconds) of treatment.
High Power PEMF is also known for improving mood, killing bacteria and strengthening
the immune system.
Low Power devices range from the milliTesla down into microTesla - just to
give you some perspective, a microTesla is 1000 times smaller than a milliTesla.
Their pulses are generated and controlled electronically. While people do report positive
results they tend to be for mood enhancement, insomnia relief and anti depression rather than for pain management. In cases of pain, low-powered units can get results over the
long term. They may be effective treating animals for whom the High Powered units are too strong.
2) How fast each pulse enters the body.
This is important because the faster the pulse enters the body, the more
energy the cell will actually receive. That's because the cell can only take in electricity
that moves fast enough to penetrate its cell wall! So, the faster the pulse, the more
benefit you receive.
High Power devices pulse faster than Lower Power ones. And the PEMF 4000
pulses much faster than other High Power units. You can tell by the treatment time
it takes before you feel results!
That's why, for the PEMF unit comparison below, we calculated the treatment
time required before its users experienced tangible results. We calculated the
timing based on the testimonials posted by users on each machine's company website and
by the testimony of our own users treating chronic pain with the PEMF 4000.
All you need to remember is this - the faster the pulse enters the cells,
the shorter the amount of time you need to treat before you feel powerful results!
pemf 8000 Device pemf 8000 Device pemf 8000 Device
SALE PRICE: FACTORY SAVINGS! Regular Price $14,999.00
Introductory Sale Price  $11,999.00  

SALE PRICE: FACTORY SAVINGS! Regular Price $14,999.00

Introductory Sale Price  $11,999.00  
PEMF8000!  THE FUTURE IS HERE! 21st CENTURY SCIENCE! Our 30 Day Guaranteed Money Back Trial Offer!
Here is a list of Updates in the New PEMF8000 that you will be receiving~ Technical information as provided by manufacturer
Product Features:
§ State of the art PEMF technology
§ Excellent for clinicians and therapists
§ Non-invasive
§ Improves circulation and reduces swelling
§ Ideal for musculoskeletal conditions
§ High intensities at low frequencies
§ Fast, measurable results
§ Safe and easy to use
§ Developed and manufactured in the USA
System Information       
§ Waveform                    Square
§ Pulsation Rate             1 – 50Hz
§ Maximum Intensity    1.5 Tesla 20,000 Gauss
§ Number of Programs       1
§ Program Duration            3 minutes
§ Power                          120-240V AC
§ Control unit               16” x 14” x 4.8”
§ Loop coil                    12” diameter loop
§ Butterfly coil              7” diameter each loop
§ Warranty                   3 years And Limited Life-Time
§ Return Period           30 days
PEMF8000 Miraculous! Dependable! Most Powerful and Effective PEMF Device! "Amazing High-Speed Healing Elements are integrated In the New PEMF8000 Series."

Please Watch These Videos Below!

Watch Blood Analysis after PEMF applies ...Click below

CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO PEMF has a long history dating back 100 years to Nicola Tesla
Dr. Oz explains the basics of PEMF and how they influence our body's physiology.
PEMF Videos Below
In the past, people dreamed of what the future might look like. Imagined how people might live in a time when advanced technology provides the solution for today's worst health problems. Chronic pain due to illness, injury, surgery and old age was the widest reaching incurable health problem in the U.S. and indeed the world in 2015. I would have say that it “was” the worst incurable health problem because right now you are holding in your hands the key to healing it”
PEMF 8000 Desktop and Mobile Science Are Changing the World Of Wellness And Health!
PEMF technology is revolutionizing the way doctors treat pain – and while there are many different devices available, there is very little information explaining what makes one PEMF machine better than any other. If you’re like the rest of us, you probably found lots of confusing numbers and scientific Terms when you tried to find the real difference between these machines yourself. You know, the kind of information you can’t find in a sales pitch! That’s why; right here and right now, we are going to clear the fog surrounding what makes one PEMF machine better than another – so you can make an informed decision as a doctor or patient looking to experiment with one for yourself. PEMF8000 is a device which runs on the principle of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.

PEMF8000 Testimonial

The PEMF8000 New Generation is dramatically assisting and presently restoring whole health to many clients and patients of the wellness community!" Testimonies!
"Pemf is a benefit for Mankind from infant to the geriatric.  Pemf will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine."  Dr. Linus Pauling -- Double Nobel Prize Winner

PEMF 8000 Development History

The PEMF8000 has a rich development history. It is predicated on an earlier bulky and temperamental Greek system. The new PEMF8000 has been improved dramatically in performance, durability, and ease-of-use.
Enhanced engineering, state-of-the-art components, and user-friendly design make for a functional, robust device.
While most other PEMF system manufacturers stop research and development efforts once the unit has been brought to market, the PEMF8000 is in a continuous state of updating. This is the value of a physicist developing a system as opposed to a businessman – the physicist is never satisfied!
The current model is housed in a new enclosure, has a newly designed spark chamber, a new capacitor design, and is 25% more powerful than any other models in the industry. The maximum intensity of the unit – about 1.5 Tesla – Up to 20,000 Gauss is yet another testament to its impeccable design.

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Friday, November 20, 2015

PEMF! Shingles! Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Science! The Successful Preference for Healing Shingles! PEMF!

PEMF! Pulsed Electromagnetic Science! The Victorious Preference for Shingles! PEMF! Help the body to heal itself!


PEMF – A cutting edge technology for reducing or eliminating pain in minutes and promoting healing at the cellular level

PEMF ELECTRIC teslaPEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy) is a revolutionary technology that offers, with an enormous spectrum of indications, new possibilities for the treatment of numerous illnesses and diseases.

Completely non-invasive, PEMF devices were only recently developed on the basis of the discoveries of great 20th century scientists of the last century such as Nikola Tesla, George Lahkovsky, and Antoine Prioré. They recognized that pulsed magnetic fields can influence our bodies bio energetically.






nikola-tesla-readingWhile we all acknowledge that the human body needs food, water, oxygen, and adequate sleep, most of us, however, don’t realize that life cannot be sustained without the natural magnetic forces that surround us and permeate our bodies. These forces influence the biological and permanent regeneration of the body. Disturbances within them upset the electrical fields of the cells, which leads to pain, sickness and disease – even with nourishing food, water, and oxygen.

The pulsed magnetic field generated by a PEMF device stimulates and mobilizes the ions in the cells of the body. The exchange of the nutrient particles inside and outside the cell is thus intensified by this so-called “ion pump.”

The magnetic fields go through the body and the cells completely. They move the ions in the cells and tissue in the rhythm of the magnetic field impulses which flow through them and press them to the cell walls. Here they cause a hyper-polarization and positively influence the energy metabolism above all else. This regulates of the voltages at the cell walls.

It is known that in various diseases, the border surface potentials of the cells are lower compared with the normal value. While the magnetic fields are normalizing the cell wall potential, the dynamics of the ions at the cell border surface improves.


Shingles PEMF8000When humans become stressed, there are a number of different activities that happen within the body. The immune system becomes weaker and the body is at a higher risk of falling ill. When your body falls ill, normal functions are disrupted. Doctors usually prescribe medication when you are ill, but these do not always work for everyone and sometimes they have unwanted side effects. If you are tired of traditional methods, PEMF therapy is an alternative treatment for your pain and suffering. Ask your doctor about alternative treatment with the PEMF8000.

What is Shingles?

Shingles is a virus. It has side effects including a painful rash that can appear any place on the body. Often times it wraps around your body. It is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which also causes chickenpox. If you have already had chickenpox then the virus remains in your body, and when overworked or stressed it can return as shingles.

As mentioned shingles manifests during periods of serious stress or being overworked. It can also come after a major injury or illness. The emotional anxiety caused by the loss of a loved one can also result in Shingles. It is as these times of high stress that the immune system goes through some drastic changes. The result is a decline of cells that fight off viruses. Once the immune system is down the shingle virus can reap havoc inside your body.

Using PEMF for Shingles Treatment

Shingles PEMF8000PEMF therapy has been known to reduce inflammation and pain caused by shingles. With the PEMF8000 patients can start seeing results, immediately after the first treatment. The earlier that shingles is treated the shorter the virus and the lesser the seriousness. PEMF treatment allows for pain relief without medications. The sooner you begin therapy the sooner you will see results and feel your body restored.

When applying PEMF therapy to your body you need to the area where you feel the most pain. As well, you will want to target the area where the virus might live. Consider this example; if pain is felt in the middle section of the chest or below the breasts, than apply treatment to the mid-thoracic spine area slightly under the shoulder blades. Split your therapy time between this location and the location of the virus (spinal column).

If shingles have been detected during its later stages, the pain felt is usually felt in the nerve. This is known as post herpetic neuralgia which can be diminished with electromagnetic fields. Shingles have also been known to return but with continued PEMF treatment you can prevent or lessen their reoccurrence.

In Conclusion:

Shingles is a virus not to be taken lightly, it is painful, and it can reoccur often and spread to other areas of the body. PEMF therapy with a device like the PEMF8000 will help treat an outbreak and reduce the reoccurrence. The earlier you start the better. Ask your doctor today about beginning treatment with the PEMF8000. Restore your body and renew your quality of life.


PEMF HEALING SHINGLESPEMFs should be applied not only to where the pain is being experienced, but also to the spinal column at the level where the virus probably lives. For example, if the pain is in the mid chest or under the breasts, then the treatment area should be in the mid-thoracic spine just below the level of the shoulder blades. If the problem is in the lower back or abdomen, then the treatment area should be in the lower back. So, part of the treatment time should be spent where the pain is or where the lesions appear, and the rest of the treatment time should be spent where the virus actually lives, which is usually along the spinal column.

In the case of acute lesions, patients typically need to be on either an antiviral and/or steroids to reduce the level of inflammation. I would never use PEMFs in this case without using some kind of an antiviral or anti-inflammatory or immune-modulating treatment protocol. We do need to quiet down the acute and uncomfortable situation using standard medical therapies while at the same time beginning the process of natural healing.

In the later stages of shingles, we are dealing with a nerve pain normally called post herpetic neuralgia. In this situation, we are likely to reduce the level of pain substantially, even from the earliest days of treatment.

Once you have had shingles, the risk of recurrence is increased, even despite shingles shots. In that instance, it is easy to remember to use PEMF therapies since there is still discomfort. The challenge comes when the pain and rash go away. This does not mean the virus is dead or gone from the body. Typically, it still survives in the area that caused the problem in the first place. It may also survive in other parts of the body, creating the potential of additional shingles outbreaks elsewhere in the body. For this reason, we recommend regular therapy with PEMFs to the area of the spine where the shingles is likely living.

In rare cases, the virus may get into the brain and cause meningitis.

PEMFs will work better in conjunction with standard therapies, including medical, nutritional, and supplemental support. My usual approach is to provide natural antiviral, natural anti-inflammatory, and natural nerve regeneration factor stimulants.

These include, but are not limited to:
• vitamin B12
• Agnaset
• alpha-lipolic acid (2000mg twice a day)
• N-acetylcysteine (1200mg twice a day)
• DHA (1000mg twice a day)
• vitamin B6 (25mg per day)
• magnesium citrate (500mg per day)
• colloidal silver
• ACZnano
These will often provide nutritional support while helping the PEMFs to promote a major amount of healing response to the viral assault.

Pemf 8000While it is tempting to use a less expensive local PEMF system, the results are not as likely to be as noticeable as we would like. Herpetic neuralgia is not a problem to be trifled with, so it is often better to purchase the best system available and not to be “penny wise/pound foolish.” If there are other health care issues that demand attention as well, then considering other whole-body PEMF systems may be necessary. In cases of very severe shingles virus afflictions, such as spinal cord paralysis and/or encephalitis, much more potent PEMF systems may be necessary. Deciding which system to consider will depend on individual circumstances, as it almost always does. Generally speaking, I will recommend a mobile or portable PEMF system that would be used long term. In the initial stages, you would use this system 24 hours a day for about a week, then gradually slow use to whatever level is needed to manage the health care issues. For this purpose, the PEMF8000 system generally will work the best.

Shingles Herbs and Help

Shingles (herpes zoster) is a secondary outbreak of the chicken pox virus. It can happen decades after the original infection. It is usually less severe the second time. It may occur for people who have had either chicken pox or the chicken pox vaccination. It is often caused by the vaccine, and people who get the vaccine strain years after a vaccination get a much worse version of shingles. It is an opportunistic virus that will strike whenever the immune system is sufficiently impaired. Those who have never contracted chicken pox are at risk of contracting it from people with shingles. When it first occurs, shingles usually appears in circular patterns.

Doctors will prescribe just about anything for shingles, except for something that actually works. Some prescribe painkillers, anti-depressants, and topical petrochemical creams. The establishment's resultant help-to-harm ratio is rather disturbing. More often than not, standard treatments actually stress the immune system to make the outbreak last longer. Prescribing anti-depressants for a shingles outbreak is insanity, and places the patient at more risk than the original virus. Pharmaceutical anti-depressants are known to cause suicidal and homicidal behaviors, especially in those not needing them. All of the orthodox treatment options have risks, and are rarely effective. Shingles will eventually disappear without treatment, and the amount of time depends on the strength of the immune system.

Natural Treatments

A natural, holistic approach to shingles takes into account that it is part of the herpes family of viruses. When it is treated appropriately, the virus outbreak will be short-lived. Herpes can only thrive in a body with a weakened immune system. The herpes family of viruses are particularly effected by a person's L-arginine to L-lysine ratio. These are natural amino acids that are found inside the human body, but they come from foods. There must be a greater level of arginine in the body for herpes viruses to thrive.

Lysine is found in proteins, dairy, and most vegetables. Arginine is found in nuts, chocolate, and tomatoes. Use the chart below to ensure that the diet is higher in lysine foods, until the outbreak passes.

Foods with Lysine (Encouraged)

All meats,Fish,Yogurt,Cheese,Milk,Eggs,Apples,Pear,Apricots,Avocados,Pineapples,Green beans,Asparagus

Foods with Arginine (Avoid)

Tomatoes.Wheat Germ,Brussels sprouts,Cashews,Grapes,Pumpkin Seeds

A chiropractor will generally be more helpful than a standard doctor. The shingles virus dwells in the spinal column, where the virus may remain dormant for decades. Spinal misalignment is a strong contributing factor in outbreaks, and their duration. Therefore, chiropractic adjustments can dramatically speed the recovery process.

In order to reduce pain and stimulate recovery, soak a cloth rag in apple cider vinegar. Next, sprinkle cayenne pepper powder over the lesions, and cover them with the damped rag. Put a hot water bottle on top of the rag, or use some other safe source for heat. Be careful not to burn the person. This procedure should dramatically reduce recovery time if repeated regularly. It will also provide much needed relief to the itching.

It would be wise to temporarily supplement with large doses of lysine of up to 2000 mg. per day (2 grams), until the shingles outbreak is gone. However, this large dosage may cause health problems if it is continued for an extended period. A mere handful of peanuts is usually enough to unfavorably shift the balance in favor of arginine, so a carefully planned diet is absolutely critical for fast recovery. Oral doses of colloidal silver , PEMF can be helpful too, because colloidal silver is harmful to viruses. Large doses of vitamin C are known for being helpful in reducing the recovery time. We intentionally neglected to list herbs as an option, because herbs have almost no effect on herpes, chickenpox, or shingles.

“Here Are Our PEMF Educational BLOG Links”

Monday, November 9, 2015

Activate Cellular Healing with PEMF! Pulsed Electromagnetic Healing Therapy Device!

Activate Cellular Healing with PEMF 8000 Treatment's!

With PEMF8000, and PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY we set a course to reach the impossible: relieve pain in one session for every possible condition. That meant narrowing hundreds of causes of pain down to one key factor and treating that factor just right, every time. The result is more than just a new PEMF machine. It is the pain management solution you’ve been looking for.

15 Minute Short Sessions up to 100% Pain Reduction up to 3x Faster healing Injury!

Recoverpemf electromagnetic healing Reduce Acute & Chronic Pain

Imagine one treatment for every kind of pain. Science knows pain conditions respond well to micro-current electricity but until now its application was limited to the body’s surface. We take it a step further, penetrating deeper into the tissue by delivering micro-current through short but powerful magnetic bursts. The cells soak up this energy as fuel, energizing their metabolism and pushing the body’s natural healing process into overdrive!

The result is much more than instant fascia release and relief from inflammation, stiffness, and soreness in the muscles and joints.

It means pain suffered for years, is finally manageable

“One PEMF Session Gives Powerful Results”

pemf electromagnetic healing cells

PEMF8000 20,000 Gauss 150 Maximum  Pulses Per Minute Magnetic Field Strength

More power means you get more impact out of every session. Our high-power magnetic field creates a stronger electric field that penetrates deeper into the treatment area.

This effectively concentrates months of low powered treatments into one powerful session,
which is why some call the results miraculous.

When you understand what you’re seeing is the cells’ metabolism quickly charge up and run the way it’s meant to, why would you settle for less?

Experience Fast & Lasting Relief

pemf electromagnetic healing

Rise time is the key to rapid results. If you think of PEMF 8000 pulse as thunder, its rise time would be lightning because that’s the electric shockwave that
penetrates the cell. The faster the rise time the more each pulse charges the mitochondria. Our rise time is in the nanoseconds, the fastest pulse in the industry. Which means we also give the most dramatic and lasting benefits.




Accelerate Injury Recovery

Accelerate Injury RecoveryStay on top of your game. From the moment
the cells receive a pulse the body’s natural
healing process goes into overdrive. And it
works on any injuries, old or new, that
receive sufficient energy.

Injuries to tissue, bones, ligaments, and
tendons heal an average of 3 times faster
than normal. Long-time injuries begin
recovering and, as a result, athletic
performance can reach new heights.
Because there’s no such thing as a
‘permanent’ injury anymore.


Read Supportive Studies >


Sunday, November 1, 2015

PEMF 8000! World-Wide PEMF News! Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Device making History! Are You Considering a PEMF Device?PEMF 8000 Best in The Market Today! Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy The Future is Here!


Are You Considering a PEMF Device? Then You MUST READ!


Are You Thinking About Buying a PEMF Device or PEMF Machine?

“Don’t Buy an PEMF120, Bemer 3000, QRS Quantron, Medithera, Magnopro, Curatron, MAS System, Ondamed, Pap-imi, PMT-100 or PEMF 100, MG-33 or MG-Pro, PEMF4000, Pulsed Energy Tech or any PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Therapy Device Until You Read This.”

“PEMF 8000 has Changed the State of Affairs of Medical Health and Wellness”

PEMF 8000 is a device which runs on the principle of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. This kind of therapy has been seen to be highly effective in many cases. Basically it affects the root cause of any chronic pain, and thus can heal the cause of the pain altogether, giving instant reliefs.

PEMF 8000 is safe to use. It transports a field charge around your body by stimulating this charge around your cells. It transports the charge within 10 nano seconds per pulse. This charge of micro current electricity is run through your body deeply at a cellular level and thus your body gets healing from the very core of it.

So, this micro current which is safely passed through your body via PEMF 4000, helps to kill the bacteria in the focused region. The removal of bacteria helps the body to regain its original health. Not only that, but this electricity also helps the body to dispose the toxins. Thus the body’s ability to take in nutrients increases. The more nutrients taken in by the body, the faster it heals.

Built in the US, PEMF 8000 is the first of its kind device which can cure the body of pain within a matter of 60 seconds barely. This has already been utilized by several chronic treatment centers. But it can also be used at home as the usage is quite easy.

Once you start using PEMF8000, you can see the results immediately. It takes you about three days to gauge the results completely. In fact, using them regularly can cure you of your ailment completely. Frozen joints have been seen to be healed completely after treatment with this device. Soft tissues and spurs have also seen to be reduced.

PEMF 8000 is useful for the treatment for so many things. Even wrinkles can be treated by this therapy. With the easy handling, anyone can use it at their homes. Especially people in their old age who have joint pain or other painful conditions can make use of PEMF8000 to relieve themselves.

Research has also shown that PEMF8000 is effective in reducing the signs of aging. It can not only reduce aches and pains, but also reduce the fatigue that comes with age. Doctors of chiropractic practices have been utilizing this technique to relieve their patients of ailments. Since this is the only product in the market that is effective at reducing pain in such less time, PEMF8000 is largely used by medicinal enthusiasts around the world. You can check out the reviews of this product online. It has been developed based on the studies conducted by the National Institute of Health and other reputed sources.


PEMF 8000, The Whole Body Battery


PEMF devices are literally a “whole body battery re-charger”, and by using a PEMF therapy mat just 2 times a day for 8 minutes, you recharge your 100 trillion cells, improve ATP production, increase oxygenation, enhance circulation, increase hydration, facilitate detoxification, and gain a better absorption of nutrients. I have seen pulsed magnetic therapy help so many people with so many different conditions, especially with pain relief and better sleep; I feel that I can almost guarantee it will help anyone. Of course, I don’t guarantee anything and I certainly do not make any claims for treating or curing any disease, but when you see not just one, not just a dozen, but literally hundreds of people benefit in such profound ways; you speak with passion and confidence. And these are hundreds of people I have personally worked with; not just second-hand testimonials or anecdotal evidence. And PEMF therapy can help YOU too! Whether you are in perfect health, or you have any kind of intermittent or chronic issue! If your body is out of balance, PEMF can “jump start” the healing process. Imagine putting little tiny jumper cables on all 100 trillion cells and jump-starting them back to health.

PEMF 8000 The way to health

PEMF8000 The way to wellness


Pemf8000 Discovery

Pemf8000 Discovery

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Please contact Charlie Farricielli or call me at 203-214-5454

In Connecticut………….


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“ PEMF is a benefit for Mankind from infant to geriatric.  PEMF will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine. “ Dr. Linus Pauling — Dou...