PEMF Therapy!
The In-Depth Story! Part II
Let’s take a look at the environment that surrounds us, the atmosphere our biological vessels are immersed in and not just because of dirty electricity but also the frequency and vibration of our television, radio, movies, and music and ask the question, why is this so, how did it come to be thus?
PEMF Therapy usage and knowledge is spreading rapidly at a grassroots level as people look for real solutions to their health concerns outside of conventional medicine that is not addressing their needs, that is not making them well. Additionally, there has always been a kind of fraction between the allopathic and naturopathic schools of thought neither fully resolving the imbalance or root cause of disease. Energy medicine is the missing link. Self-applied electromagnetic fields are changing the way we look at our health and wellness and are becoming more widely accepted as a result. Pulsed electromagnetic fields are being used more and more in conjunction with conventional medicine and other complementary health techniques and holistic care.
Pulsed electromagnetic fields are the energy medicine of the future and will be used to heal problems that current medical thought can’t or have never been able to. All disease is a result of imbalance in the whole bodily system. If your neck is frozen you are guaranteed that 1/3 of your entire system is shut down.
PEMF therapy treats the whole body! It feels cells with the light it needs to do the job it was intended to do. It brings the body into balance so that it can heal itself. This is why PEMF Therapy is so effective and miraculous for some. In a very short period of time results can be measured.
How does PEMF Therapy Work?
Magnetic induction mimics naturally produced bio- electromagnetic fields
PEMFs are be made utilizing a concept known as ‘ionized magnetic induction’ where a high voltage capacitor is charged producing extremely short bursts of very high frequency oscillations or ‘arcs’ over a spark gap. Each burst or pulse of oscillations last a very short time. A pulsed electromagnetic field is discharged through the applicator to the affected areas to a depth of 3 to 4 feet. It is an a-thermal device (does not heat tissue) that delivers an effective and beneficial form of bio-energy to living cells (bio means body). The activity of pulsing electromagnetic fields on the body is very much like ‘throwing pebbles in a pond’ the wave upon wave activity continues after the field is moved to other sites, affecting the entire body exponentially.
We are dependent upon Earth’s electromagnetic energy and experience PEMFs more obviously while in nature or at the cottage, near moving water, mountains, forests, electrical storms
In 1961 when the Russians sent the first cosmonaut into space to circle the globe he returned 1:48 hours later suffering from depression, bone loss, muscle degeneration, decreased metabolism and impaired perception. Since that historic flight every space launch has included some form of electromagnetic pulse device specifically calibrated to the earth's natural frequencies. Zero Field Studies have been done where individuals sequestered in sealed rooms without access to the Earth’s electromagnetic field in minutes began to sob and said that they felt like they were falling apart emotionally and in just a few more minutes began to lose coordination, muscle control.
Man-made vs Naturally Occurring PEMFs?
It is important to understand the difference between electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that are therapeutic and healthy and produced naturally by our bodies and the earth versus man-made electromagnetic fields generated from power lines, household wires, engines, heating and air conditioning devices, microwave ovens, cell phones, cell towers, computers and TV’s as EMF damage is accumulative and has gone largely unnoticed over the years and because it can only be felt but not seen.
A pulsed electromagnetic field is able to penetrate all the way through the body. Unhealthy electro-smog or dirty electricity block the natural frequencies of the earth that are vital for life and health
Humanity is faced with dangerously high and toxic levels of EMF poisoning affecting our air, sustenance and atmosphere. As well, closed air systems in offices, pollution, cars, fumes, harmful chemicals, toxins in our food, water (fluoride) and fabrics also deplete and cause damage to our bodies.
Imagine a kind of laser like energy gridlock all over the world except where there is no technology and everywhere you go, everything that you do, you navigate through this gridlock that is heating your tissue and disrupting your cellular functioning, that is how serious this is
Researchers once thought extremely low frequency EMFs, were safe because they were of such low strength compared to other forms of radiation, such as those from a nuclear reactor or X rays but now, as technology proliferates and people are using more electronic devices researchers suspect EMFs are contributing to a subtle assault on people's immune systems and overall health.
EMFs interact with living systems, affecting enzymes related to growth regulation, the pineal gland (regulation of the sleep hormone, melatonin), cell division and multiplication. Scientist now suspect that exposure to electromagnetic fields generated by electric power lines is creating conditions and is responsible for certain cancers, reproductive dysfunction, birth defects, neurological and brain disorders.
Impeded and reduced exposure to naturally occurring PEMFs from nature and the earth has created a negative impact on our overall health, environment and quality of life as good PEMFs function as a kind of energy nutrient that is needed to support our biological earth vessel.
Electromagnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome
Dr. Kyoichi Nakagawa,considered the founder of modern electromagnetic research, published a study in 1956, which claimed that the Earth’s natural electromagnetic field had declined by at least 50% (it is now 90%). He then went on to study the effects of electromagnetism on health and coined the term ‘Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome’ to describe the effects caused by the decrease in the Earth’s electromagnetic field.
This syndrome is characterized by symptoms of ‘stiffness’ of the shoulders, back and scruff of the neck, uncertain lumbago, chest pains for no specific reason, habitual headache and heaviness of the head, dizziness and insomnia for uncertain reasons, habitual constipation, general lassitude. He found that by inducing electromagnetic energy into the body symptoms cleared in about 3 weeks.
Knowledge is power
To recap, we require electromagnetic energy to live which has been reduced and impeded, we are swimming in a cesspool of unhealthy energy, frequency and vibration from electrical current, pollution, war, music, television, movies, cellphones and thoughts and we are eating food and drinking water that is contaminated and toxic and last but not least the Earth’s ecosystems are almost at the point of no return.
Why isn’t this information on every news channel?
It is possible that we need to acknowledge where we are both individually and collectively in order to go forward. This article lays out the facts and the science. Energy is neutral until human beings change that neutrality and imprint it with their thoughts, feelings and emotions. I often ask the question “What would love do” in any given situation, activity or experience, it helps put things into perspective.
Let us be the change we want to see in the world and let it begin with me.
Intentions are powerful such as “It is my intention that the earth be returned to her natural garden state with zero footprint”. When an individual says this, intends this, feels this, thinks this; energy moves into action behind the scenes and there is an immediate effect on the collective consciousness.
We are one. We are also individual. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions affect our self and every man, woman, child, plant, animal, ecosystem, world and universe and all therein.
We think no one can hear our thoughts, feelings and emotions but they are immediately felt in the human collective energy field and we are immersed in this collective soup of energy every minute of every day and whether we are aware of it or not, it is so.
Imagine right here, right now if every human being made intentions that imprinted our world with peace, love, joy and stewardship - we would conceivably instantly change this world!
Our body is innately and uniquely designed to heal itself. Our consciousness is free. We are free.
PEMF Therapy is only one technology that is helpful in putting light back into the body. If you do not have access to PEMF Therapy, you can generate your own electromagnetic energy via sound either with your own voice or listening to classical music and via meditation and and many, many more technologies will eventually surface that will assist us in transforming our world.
PEMF Therapy is now being used for food storage, preservation, mold removal and crop production.
Sierra’s Testimony
I am a Shamanic Healer, Sound Healer, Sacred Dance Healer, Quantum Healer, Reiki Master, Aroma Therapy Massage Therapist, Life Coach and Teacher of New Consciousness who has been involved in the healing arts for 25 years.
I have used PEMF Therapy every day with only a handful of exceptions, since October of 2013 when it was suggested it might be helpful by Bart Smit and Dr. Williams.
In early 2011, I was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid or “Grave’s Disease”. In March of 2015, I was given the go ahead to stop taking all medication.
I believe that we are all on a journey of merging our physical selves with our spiritual nature. This means that our bodies are constantly cleansing and releasing in order to embody more light. In doing so we are accessing and expressing more and more love and compassion for ourselves, others and the earth. In this way as we change ourselves, we change the world.
PEMF Therapy fills the body with light, opens up all the subtle bodies and channels, aligns the endocrine and meridian systems, recharges the enteric body, recharges cells creating conditions whereby the body can heal any imbalance or ailment.
It is the ‘best kept secret in town’ and is used regularly by top athletes, sports teams (baseball, hockey, football, soccer) and Olympians around the world as accepted therapy for sports related injury, fatigue and to elevate performance and endurance; and to heal quickly. It is accepted therapy in the professional horse racing community and by veterinarians for pets. It is accepted therapy in Europe, Australia and Japan for its life giving, healing potential to beat disease, to heal quickly from illness or injury and to maintain health. It is available to you.
I have discovered ground breaking, wonderful new ways to work with PEMF Therapy in conjunction with my Healer roots, Quantum work and Life Coach Approach.
This technology is and has been so helpful and so miraculous to so many including me and complimentary to any allopathic, holistic practice or endeavor.