Thursday, December 21, 2017

"Our Holiday Wishes" PEMF

"Our Holiday Wishes"

This is our Christmas wish to you:

May you have Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, And Love to complete your life!

Many Blessings,

Happy Holiday and Merry Christmas

Love, Charlie……….And Ariana

I have forever had a passion for the miraculous effects of vibration frequencies on human energy. I spent my retired years deep into research, study, and experience to educate and promote my amazing discovery of PEMF technology!

My breakthrough will prove that PEMF can balance the endocrine system and affect the physical, mental and emotional state of a person.

See More >>

Meet Charlie

As a musician, I have devoted my life to creative endeavors that lift people up. My own personal discovery involving the benefits of PEMF has been so life-changing that I want to share it with you too. This is my invitation for you to call me directly to learn more about this incredible technology.

Wishing you health and wholeness,

Learn More >>

Thank You!

We value your trust in our company, and we will do our best to meet your service expectations.

We are pleased to mention that your purchase also includes 30 day money back guarantee and a 3 year unlimited Guarantee should a problem arise. And Lifetime Warrantee!

If you have any questions about our equipment or service, we invite you to call us immediately at 203-214-5454 or 844-PEMF-8000, and we will be happy to assist you.

Let me take this opportunity to thank you for choosing PEMF8000 device to provide your company the finest technology and intimate customer servicing.

We are proud to welcome you as a successful and satisfied customer to our family and look forward to many years of working together.

PEMF8000 >>

Sunday, November 19, 2017


"Lets Celebrate Appreciation" Gratitude!

Dear Friends, and Family,

This week, many of our staff gathered to share a simple message for the upcoming holiday:

Thank you. Thank you for your support of PEMF Wellness Technology and our amazing PEMF8000 Devices!  Thanks to you we had the most successful and amazing year. We thank you from each and every one of us here.

We also appreciate your continued efforts to send us your inconceivable testimonies of healing and wellness!

We will continue this year to compel our company and PEMF technology to the pinnacle of all healing and wellness devices.

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them".

~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow".

~Edward Sandford Martin

My wish for you with these words this holiday:

"May you have Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, And  Love to complete your life!"

Happy Thanksgiving!

Many Blessings,
Love,  Charlie..........And Ariana

You also may want to read my "Appreciation and Gratitude Story"!

Also Thanksgiving Inspirational Quotes

Call me today for our "Appreciation" Gift!

Amazing Discounts for all PEMF8000 Packages good till November 24th,2017

Thanksgiving Day!

Charlie  203-214-5454

Friday, November 17, 2017

PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH PROVES PEMF Therapy Improves Sleep | Magnetic Therapy for Sleep Disorders

Magnetic Therapy for Sleep Disorders! PEMF 8000 creating wellness!

Published: November 15, 2017


With winter I fast approaching, a new study highlights how pulsed electromagnetic fields can help improve sleep!
Organized by the Sleep Council, Sleeptember is a month-long campaign aiming to raise awareness of the health benefits from a good night’s sleep. A USA based Company; PEMF Wellness Technology (PEMF 8000) is making people aware that they too can benefit from a good night’s sleep thanks to PEMF therapy.

According to Lisa Artis from The Sleep Council, “Poor sleep and fatigue are common problems affecting millions of people, and just one bad night’s sleep can influence our mood, concentration and alertness. Long-term sleep deprivation has far more serious consequences and has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and stroke.”
Some people do not resolve their sleeping patterns, whilst others resort to medication, however, PEMF8000, and PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY are promoting Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy – the drug-free alternative to improving your sleep.
Non-invasive and drug-free, PEMF therapy stimulates cellular repair to improve your body’s overall performance. It is an idea harnessed by NASA, using the Earth’s natural magnetic fields in a concentrated manner and has many benefits such as improving recovery time, pain-relief and sleep.
In the latest study by Pelka (2017), 101 participants were split into two categories; one received PEMF therapy and the other a placebo. Of those who used PEMF therapy, 94% remarked on their improved sleep. Furthermore, from PEMF Wellness Technology (PEMF8000) customers who have used PEMF therapy for a number of injuries and ailments, the majority also commented on how not only had PEMF helped them, but how they had also noticed the added benefit of sleeping better.
Janice Capelli,was recommended PEMF therapy by her therapist to manage her widespread pain from Fibromyalgia. Capelli shares, “I have to admit I don’t really understand the science behind it and after what felt like a lifetime of various surgeries and treatments and medication I was skeptical. However, by after only the first week, the pain had reduced dramatically and I had even been able to reduce my medication intake by 50% and it was a strange feeling, but for the first time in months I slept like a baby.”

Charles Farricielli, PEMF8000 Distributor, adds, “Sleep issues are often overlooked; during Sleeptember we are highlighting how PEMF therapy can help improve your sleep. At PEMF Wellness Technology we have a range of devices to support every type of lifestyle, including a mattress, Gel Loop, Butterfly and many more accessories for PEMF8000.

pemf sleep


There are many therapeutic approaches to helping with sleep disorders. The most commonly used are medications, herbs and supplements. In fact, supplemental melatonin is used frequently for this purpose. Meditation, relaxation, breathing exercises, and prayer are often also used with some success. Adhering to principles of good sleep hygiene is also necessary to achieve the best results.

Another important and effective approach is to synchronize brainwave patterns to shift disturbing patterns into the same ones seen in normal sleep. This is sometimes done with sound or other external stimuli, and this is where PEMFs can be very effective.

There is also research on the effects of PEMFs on circadian melatonin rhythms, primarily in animals. A number of animal studies show a decrease in melatonin production with exposure to PEMFs. This has raised a concern about the effects of environmental EMFs on humans too. However, human studies have failed to reproduce these results. So, humans appear to act differently than animals with exposure to PEMFs relative to melatonin production. On the contrary, PEMFs appear to improve and induce sleep.

Studies of brainwave electrical activity recordings have found different stages of sleep, with there being 2 primary stages: rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM). These stages are different in intensity and frequency of the brainwave activity. NREM sleep makes up about 80% of total sleep time in the adult. The most critical and restorative part of NREM sleep occurs during slow wave sleep (SWS). Most SWS occurs early at night, usually in the first 3 hours of sleep. SWS is the deepest, most difficult to interrupt, and most refreshing of the sleep stages. This time is also called Delta sleep, the time in which the brainwave patterns are in the lowest frequencies, typically between 1 – 4 Hz.

So, a major goal of PEMF therapies for sleep disorders is to alter disruptive sleep wave patterns. It is a principle of basic physics that molecules or electrical activity resonate. When presented with an external resonating stimulus, dynamic, resonant molecules or electrical activity begins to react to the stimulus frequencies by setting up a mutually resonant pattern. This is called frequency following or entrainment. Therefore, PEMFs can affect the electrical activity of the brain to either slow it down or speed it up. To varying degrees, this will then change the frequencies of the brain to shift to patterns that enhance sleep.


Magnetic fields from a small battery-operated 0.5 mT/5 Gauss 4 Hz generator were tested in a double-blind study. Effects on sleep were studied prior to treatment and after 2 and 6 wks of treatment. They found that this field and intensity was effective in reducing sleep disturbances in 83% of the exposed group, compared with 57% in the controls. There is a strong impact psychologically of someone being studied, and changes are seen even if a placebo device is being used. Nevertheless, the people receiving active treatment consistently had better results for sleep whether it was at 2 weeks or 6 weeks. Results were stronger at 6 weeks. If anything, these results show that after 2 weeks of treatment results are decent and are more consistent at 6 weeks. This means that for a weak intensity magnetic system, longer treatment may need to be carried out to have consistent results across a larger number of people treated. Results between individuals can vary significantly. Because most research is time-limited, we typically do not know what happens when treatment is discontinued and whether people need to use treatments over long periods of time to get consistent and continued benefits. (Fischer)

In a 4-week double-blind, placebo-controlled study impulse magnetic-field therapy was tested for insomnia. One hundred patients were randomly assigned to either active treatment or placebo. They fell into one of three groups: (1) trouble falling asleep (sleep latency); (2) interrupted sleep; or (3) nightmares. The researchers looked at sleep latency, frequency of interruptions, sleepiness after rising, daytime sleepiness, difficulty with concentration, and daytime headaches. Those with active treatments had In the active-treatment group, the values of all criteria were significantly improved results. As is often seen with this kind of research, the placebo group also had significant symptomatic improvement. But, the differences between the 2 groups hugely favored the active treatment group. 70% of the people given active treatment experienced substantial or even complete relief of their complaints; 24% had clear improvement; 6% slight improvement. In the placebo group, only one patient had very clear relief; 49% slight or clear improvement; and 49% saw no change. No one had any adverse effects. The PEMF therapy helped about 90% of the individuals, versus only about 50% of the placebo group seeing benefit. This study was useful in showing that most basic types of sleep problems can be substantially helped with the use of PEMF therapies. (Pelka)

During much of the time of sleep, brain neurons undergo near-synchronous slow oscillations in brain cell membrane electrical activity. This is like synchronized swimming. These slow oscillations are obvious in the normal EEG. This was studied in sleeping individuals. Each high intensity Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) pulse at <1 Hz causes an individual, high intensity EEG slow wave that originates under the coil and spreads over the cortex of the brain. These evoked slow waves lead to a deepening of sleep and to a more widespread increase in EEG deep or slow-wave activity (0.5-4.5 Hz). This slow-wave activity is believed to play a role in brain restoration and memory consolidation. (Massimini)

So, these studies are important for us to confirm that PEMFs do affect brainwave frequency patterns, and that these results are not just by chance alone or a placebo or expectancy response.

It’s possible that even very low intensity PEMFs can enhance the effects of sleep medications and psychotropic drugs. This may result in a hangover-like effect in the morning. If this should be happening, then the dosing of the medications may be able to be decreased, under appropriate supervision. (Shtemberg)


Sleep disturbance in trauma patients is very common, whether inpatient or outpatient. Effects of alternating magnetic fields (AMF) on wound healing and secondary pain symptoms were studied in inpatient lower extremity trauma hospital patients. The patients were divided into several groups: group 1 received no AMF treatment (control), group 2 was treated with AMF, and group 3 received placebo AMF exposure. The AMF was 35 mT, sinusoidal 50 Hz. PEMF therapy was for 15 days with 30-45 min of exposure daily, applied over bandages. The majority of patients treated with AMF felt better after the first 3-5 procedures. Their sleep and appetite noticeably improved, pains and general weakness decreased.  Swelling and inflammation in the injured extremity were not as severe as in the control and sham-exposed groups.  On average, the use of magnetotherapy shortened the hospital stay of AMF treated patients by 8 days. By helping the body heal from the trauma and postoperatively, sleep improved. Similar PEMFs can be expected to help with trauma-related sleep disorders as well. (Demetskii)

Lower intensity transcranial magnetotherapy (TMT) was used in 32 patients with alcoholism who had other complementary therapies and a control group was treated with a placebo procedure. TMT consisted of 10 daily procedures for 10-20 min. TMT was followed by improvements in wellbeing, mood, and sleep, increases in physical exercise tolerance and decreases in alcohol craving in 75% of patients in the study group and 30% in the control group. (Staroverov)

Changes in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep have been shown to play an important role in the development of depression. High intensity rapid Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) delays the first REM sleep cycle on average by 17 min and prolongs the duration of sleep. These rTMS-induced changes in REM sleep are similar to what happens as a result of pharmacological treatment of depression. Therefore, this may explain why rTMS, which affects circadian and ultradian biological rhythms, has an antidepressive action. Similar results may be reasonably expected from other high intensity PEMFs treatments, too. (Cohrs)


Although thousands of rTMS sessions have been given with few side effects, more data was necessary to better evaluate the safety of high intensity PEMFs to the brain. The total dose (number of stimuli) able to be delivered safely to humans within a day or within a week has not been clearly established. Previous rTMS studies as a treatment for depression delivered 800 to 3,000 magnetic pulses per day, with 8000 to 30,000 magnetic pulses over 2 to 3 weeks. These authors studied rTMS in sleep deprivation by treating healthy men to 12,960 magnetic pulses a day for up to 3 days in 1 week. This equals 38,880 magnetic pulses over 1 week, likely one of the largest exposures of rTMS to date. Despite this intense treatment regimen, no significant side effects were seen. Doses of up to 12,960 pulses per day appear safe and tolerable in healthy young men. (Anderson)


One research laboratory has done an extensive amount of research on magnetic field stimulation and sleep. They discovered that using 20-30 microTesla magnetic fields at 60 Hz didn’t significantly alter sleep patterns. However, with the magnetic stimulation alternated one hour on/one hour off over 8 hours of sleep, and when on, further switched on and off every 15 seconds, different effects were found. This intermittent exposure to the magnetic field resulted in significant changes to nighttime sleep on many of the measures of sleep. These included:  (1) poor and broken sleep (decreased sleep efficiency); (2) increased time in Stage 2 sleep; suppression of REM sleep; and (3) self reports of sleeping less well in the night and feeling less rested on awakening in the morning.  These studies were intended to replicate the effects on sleep of the electromagnetic noise from power lines in peoples’ homes. That is why 60 Hz was used. But, continuous 60 Hz exposure at these very low intensities does not seem to alter sleep significantly. It’s only when they are switched on and off that we see disruptions in sleep patterns. This may be useful in considering whether to use PEMFs with intermittent pattern signals during the night with brainwave resonant frequencies or to only use devices with continuous PEMF signals through the night. (Graham)

The study described above looked at people in a dedicated research sleep laboratory setting. There’s always a question about what happens naturally in the home setting with exposure to very low intensity power line frequencies, that is, at 60 Hz. These are the same frequencies that we all experience in our home setting due to the wiring in the home. This question was studied to see what the impact was of a continuous, 60-Hz, nighttime magnetic field exposure in young women sleeping at home. They assessed sleep movement and sleep arousals. In a randomized crossover trial, they compared active (0.5–1.0 µT above ambient levels) with ambient magnetic field levels (0.001–0.50 µT), during two 5-night measurement periods. The women were 20–40 years of age. Sleep was not significantly different between the 2 levels of exposure. The importance of this study is to show that very low intensity realistic magnetic fields likely have no impact on sleep even if applied throughout the night. In the previously described laboratory study, the magnetic fields used were upwards of 20 times stronger. (Tworoger)

While home-based power frequency field intensities do not appear to do disrupt sleep, the same may not be true for other field exposures. Negative EMF effects on sleep have been found in people exposed to short wave or radiowave signals, by living near transmitter stations. Sleep disturbances were more frequent with increasing transmitter signal strengths. In one case, when the radio station was shut down, there was a statistically significant improvement of sleep quality after only one day. Fortunately, melatonin levels were not affected by the magnetic field strength. So, sleep disturbances can be very significant when one is sleeping in the home environment near a strong transmitter. It becomes almost impossible to fix this problem without moving away from the transmitter. Therapeutic PEMF therapies that modulate brainwave frequencies may be able to help to counteract the transmitter signals.



Because the brain is a dynamic and bioelectric organ, and sensitive to PEMFs, PEMF therapies should be considered to help people having problems with sleep. All kinds of PEMF systems have been studied to enhance sleep, from very weak microtesla fields to very powerful multi-Tesla fields. While my experience has been that most people who use PEMFs systems find they sleep better when they are used in the evening, this review is helpful to provide the science behind these observations.

Anybody who currently owns a PEMF system could regularly use it before bedtime to help with sleep. Anybody with health issues, especially chronic pain, would benefit from PEMFs not only for the relief of pain but also to help with sleep. As we discussed above, PEMFs can also help with depression, not the least of which benefit may be due to enhancement of sleep.

Many PEMF systems are limited by the time that a treatment cycle runs. That is not necessarily a problem when used before bed. However, if it is found that the PEMF system chosen only works for a short time, that is, sleep is interrupted within 2 or 3 hours or bedtime, then a system that can run all night long may be needed. Or, the treatment can be repeated again during the night. For this purpose I would tend to use the highest intensity available, unless extra sensitive, to more quickly recapture the desired sleep inducing brainwave frequencies.

I would also usually stay away from higher frequency (over 8Hz) magnetic fields in the evening and overnight, as some research has shown that they may excite the brain. Increased excitability or activity of the brain is common in sleep disorders. This is based on the principle of resonance – higher frequencies tend to make you more alert by increasing brain excitability or activity. On the other hand, higher frequencies above 40 Hz, from the above research, may stimulate REM sleep or dreaming. This could be of practical value for people who want to do dream work. Still, I would not use frequencies higher than 40Hz during the early part of the night.

It’s also possible that a magnetic system may be necessary that allows the selection of different frequencies. In the past, various sound light systems were developed that did ramping up or down of different frequencies, trying to emulate the brain’s own natural rhythms. Some people may find ramping a preferred approach. However, I have found that presenting the brain with a single frequency or narrow band of frequencies (that is low enough and strong enough to adequately entrain brain frequencies) will cause enough areas of the brain to fire at the entraining frequencies, to help to restore or induce sleep. Since different areas of the brain are firing at various frequencies, even in sleep, the extent to which the brainwave frequencies are entrained or whose attention is “grabbed” by a specific chosen PEMF stimulation frequency, is the extent to which the depth and duration of sleep will be affected.

PEMF8000 therapy a device, specifically designed to help get a good night’s rest.”

PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH PROVES PEMF Therapy Improves Sleep | Magnetic Therapy for Sleep Disorders

Magnetic Therapy for Sleep Disorders! PEMF 8000 creating wellness!

Published: November 15, 2017


With winter I fast approaching, a new study highlights how pulsed electromagnetic fields can help improve sleep!
Organized by the Sleep Council, Sleeptember is a month-long campaign aiming to raise awareness of the health benefits from a good night’s sleep. A USA based Company; PEMF Wellness Technology (PEMF 8000) is making people aware that they too can benefit from a good night’s sleep thanks to PEMF therapy.

According to Lisa Artis from The Sleep Council, “Poor sleep and fatigue are common problems affecting millions of people, and just one bad night’s sleep can influence our mood, concentration and alertness. Long-term sleep deprivation has far more serious consequences and has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and stroke.”
Some people do not resolve their sleeping patterns, whilst others resort to medication, however, PEMF8000, and PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY are promoting Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy – the drug-free alternative to improving your sleep.
Non-invasive and drug-free, PEMF therapy stimulates cellular repair to improve your body’s overall performance. It is an idea harnessed by NASA, using the Earth’s natural magnetic fields in a concentrated manner and has many benefits such as improving recovery time, pain-relief and sleep.
In the latest study by Pelka (2017), 101 participants were split into two categories; one received PEMF therapy and the other a placebo. Of those who used PEMF therapy, 94% remarked on their improved sleep. Furthermore, from PEMF Wellness Technology (PEMF8000) customers who have used PEMF therapy for a number of injuries and ailments, the majority also commented on how not only had PEMF helped them, but how they had also noticed the added benefit of sleeping better.
Janice Capelli,was recommended PEMF therapy by her therapist to manage her widespread pain from Fibromyalgia. Capelli shares, “I have to admit I don’t really understand the science behind it and after what felt like a lifetime of various surgeries and treatments and medication I was skeptical. However, by after only the first week, the pain had reduced dramatically and I had even been able to reduce my medication intake by 50% and it was a strange feeling, but for the first time in months I slept like a baby.”

Charles Farricielli, PEMF8000 Distributor, adds, “Sleep issues are often overlooked; during Sleeptember we are highlighting how PEMF therapy can help improve your sleep. At PEMF Wellness Technology we have a range of devices to support every type of lifestyle, including a mattress, Gel Loop, Butterfly and many more accessories for PEMF8000.

pemf sleep


There are many therapeutic approaches to helping with sleep disorders. The most commonly used are medications, herbs and supplements. In fact, supplemental melatonin is used frequently for this purpose. Meditation, relaxation, breathing exercises, and prayer are often also used with some success. Adhering to principles of good sleep hygiene is also necessary to achieve the best results.

Another important and effective approach is to synchronize brainwave patterns to shift disturbing patterns into the same ones seen in normal sleep. This is sometimes done with sound or other external stimuli, and this is where PEMFs can be very effective.

There is also research on the effects of PEMFs on circadian melatonin rhythms, primarily in animals. A number of animal studies show a decrease in melatonin production with exposure to PEMFs. This has raised a concern about the effects of environmental EMFs on humans too. However, human studies have failed to reproduce these results. So, humans appear to act differently than animals with exposure to PEMFs relative to melatonin production. On the contrary, PEMFs appear to improve and induce sleep.

Studies of brainwave electrical activity recordings have found different stages of sleep, with there being 2 primary stages: rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM). These stages are different in intensity and frequency of the brainwave activity. NREM sleep makes up about 80% of total sleep time in the adult. The most critical and restorative part of NREM sleep occurs during slow wave sleep (SWS). Most SWS occurs early at night, usually in the first 3 hours of sleep. SWS is the deepest, most difficult to interrupt, and most refreshing of the sleep stages. This time is also called Delta sleep, the time in which the brainwave patterns are in the lowest frequencies, typically between 1 – 4 Hz.

So, a major goal of PEMF therapies for sleep disorders is to alter disruptive sleep wave patterns. It is a principle of basic physics that molecules or electrical activity resonate. When presented with an external resonating stimulus, dynamic, resonant molecules or electrical activity begins to react to the stimulus frequencies by setting up a mutually resonant pattern. This is called frequency following or entrainment. Therefore, PEMFs can affect the electrical activity of the brain to either slow it down or speed it up. To varying degrees, this will then change the frequencies of the brain to shift to patterns that enhance sleep.


Magnetic fields from a small battery-operated 0.5 mT/5 Gauss 4 Hz generator were tested in a double-blind study. Effects on sleep were studied prior to treatment and after 2 and 6 wks of treatment. They found that this field and intensity was effective in reducing sleep disturbances in 83% of the exposed group, compared with 57% in the controls. There is a strong impact psychologically of someone being studied, and changes are seen even if a placebo device is being used. Nevertheless, the people receiving active treatment consistently had better results for sleep whether it was at 2 weeks or 6 weeks. Results were stronger at 6 weeks. If anything, these results show that after 2 weeks of treatment results are decent and are more consistent at 6 weeks. This means that for a weak intensity magnetic system, longer treatment may need to be carried out to have consistent results across a larger number of people treated. Results between individuals can vary significantly. Because most research is time-limited, we typically do not know what happens when treatment is discontinued and whether people need to use treatments over long periods of time to get consistent and continued benefits. (Fischer)

In a 4-week double-blind, placebo-controlled study impulse magnetic-field therapy was tested for insomnia. One hundred patients were randomly assigned to either active treatment or placebo. They fell into one of three groups: (1) trouble falling asleep (sleep latency); (2) interrupted sleep; or (3) nightmares. The researchers looked at sleep latency, frequency of interruptions, sleepiness after rising, daytime sleepiness, difficulty with concentration, and daytime headaches. Those with active treatments had In the active-treatment group, the values of all criteria were significantly improved results. As is often seen with this kind of research, the placebo group also had significant symptomatic improvement. But, the differences between the 2 groups hugely favored the active treatment group. 70% of the people given active treatment experienced substantial or even complete relief of their complaints; 24% had clear improvement; 6% slight improvement. In the placebo group, only one patient had very clear relief; 49% slight or clear improvement; and 49% saw no change. No one had any adverse effects. The PEMF therapy helped about 90% of the individuals, versus only about 50% of the placebo group seeing benefit. This study was useful in showing that most basic types of sleep problems can be substantially helped with the use of PEMF therapies. (Pelka)

During much of the time of sleep, brain neurons undergo near-synchronous slow oscillations in brain cell membrane electrical activity. This is like synchronized swimming. These slow oscillations are obvious in the normal EEG. This was studied in sleeping individuals. Each high intensity Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) pulse at <1 Hz causes an individual, high intensity EEG slow wave that originates under the coil and spreads over the cortex of the brain. These evoked slow waves lead to a deepening of sleep and to a more widespread increase in EEG deep or slow-wave activity (0.5-4.5 Hz). This slow-wave activity is believed to play a role in brain restoration and memory consolidation. (Massimini)

So, these studies are important for us to confirm that PEMFs do affect brainwave frequency patterns, and that these results are not just by chance alone or a placebo or expectancy response.

It’s possible that even very low intensity PEMFs can enhance the effects of sleep medications and psychotropic drugs. This may result in a hangover-like effect in the morning. If this should be happening, then the dosing of the medications may be able to be decreased, under appropriate supervision. (Shtemberg)


Sleep disturbance in trauma patients is very common, whether inpatient or outpatient. Effects of alternating magnetic fields (AMF) on wound healing and secondary pain symptoms were studied in inpatient lower extremity trauma hospital patients. The patients were divided into several groups: group 1 received no AMF treatment (control), group 2 was treated with AMF, and group 3 received placebo AMF exposure. The AMF was 35 mT, sinusoidal 50 Hz. PEMF therapy was for 15 days with 30-45 min of exposure daily, applied over bandages. The majority of patients treated with AMF felt better after the first 3-5 procedures. Their sleep and appetite noticeably improved, pains and general weakness decreased.  Swelling and inflammation in the injured extremity were not as severe as in the control and sham-exposed groups.  On average, the use of magnetotherapy shortened the hospital stay of AMF treated patients by 8 days. By helping the body heal from the trauma and postoperatively, sleep improved. Similar PEMFs can be expected to help with trauma-related sleep disorders as well. (Demetskii)

Lower intensity transcranial magnetotherapy (TMT) was used in 32 patients with alcoholism who had other complementary therapies and a control group was treated with a placebo procedure. TMT consisted of 10 daily procedures for 10-20 min. TMT was followed by improvements in wellbeing, mood, and sleep, increases in physical exercise tolerance and decreases in alcohol craving in 75% of patients in the study group and 30% in the control group. (Staroverov)

Changes in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep have been shown to play an important role in the development of depression. High intensity rapid Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) delays the first REM sleep cycle on average by 17 min and prolongs the duration of sleep. These rTMS-induced changes in REM sleep are similar to what happens as a result of pharmacological treatment of depression. Therefore, this may explain why rTMS, which affects circadian and ultradian biological rhythms, has an antidepressive action. Similar results may be reasonably expected from other high intensity PEMFs treatments, too. (Cohrs)


Although thousands of rTMS sessions have been given with few side effects, more data was necessary to better evaluate the safety of high intensity PEMFs to the brain. The total dose (number of stimuli) able to be delivered safely to humans within a day or within a week has not been clearly established. Previous rTMS studies as a treatment for depression delivered 800 to 3,000 magnetic pulses per day, with 8000 to 30,000 magnetic pulses over 2 to 3 weeks. These authors studied rTMS in sleep deprivation by treating healthy men to 12,960 magnetic pulses a day for up to 3 days in 1 week. This equals 38,880 magnetic pulses over 1 week, likely one of the largest exposures of rTMS to date. Despite this intense treatment regimen, no significant side effects were seen. Doses of up to 12,960 pulses per day appear safe and tolerable in healthy young men. (Anderson)


One research laboratory has done an extensive amount of research on magnetic field stimulation and sleep. They discovered that using 20-30 microTesla magnetic fields at 60 Hz didn’t significantly alter sleep patterns. However, with the magnetic stimulation alternated one hour on/one hour off over 8 hours of sleep, and when on, further switched on and off every 15 seconds, different effects were found. This intermittent exposure to the magnetic field resulted in significant changes to nighttime sleep on many of the measures of sleep. These included:  (1) poor and broken sleep (decreased sleep efficiency); (2) increased time in Stage 2 sleep; suppression of REM sleep; and (3) self reports of sleeping less well in the night and feeling less rested on awakening in the morning.  These studies were intended to replicate the effects on sleep of the electromagnetic noise from power lines in peoples’ homes. That is why 60 Hz was used. But, continuous 60 Hz exposure at these very low intensities does not seem to alter sleep significantly. It’s only when they are switched on and off that we see disruptions in sleep patterns. This may be useful in considering whether to use PEMFs with intermittent pattern signals during the night with brainwave resonant frequencies or to only use devices with continuous PEMF signals through the night. (Graham)

The study described above looked at people in a dedicated research sleep laboratory setting. There’s always a question about what happens naturally in the home setting with exposure to very low intensity power line frequencies, that is, at 60 Hz. These are the same frequencies that we all experience in our home setting due to the wiring in the home. This question was studied to see what the impact was of a continuous, 60-Hz, nighttime magnetic field exposure in young women sleeping at home. They assessed sleep movement and sleep arousals. In a randomized crossover trial, they compared active (0.5–1.0 µT above ambient levels) with ambient magnetic field levels (0.001–0.50 µT), during two 5-night measurement periods. The women were 20–40 years of age. Sleep was not significantly different between the 2 levels of exposure. The importance of this study is to show that very low intensity realistic magnetic fields likely have no impact on sleep even if applied throughout the night. In the previously described laboratory study, the magnetic fields used were upwards of 20 times stronger. (Tworoger)

While home-based power frequency field intensities do not appear to do disrupt sleep, the same may not be true for other field exposures. Negative EMF effects on sleep have been found in people exposed to short wave or radiowave signals, by living near transmitter stations. Sleep disturbances were more frequent with increasing transmitter signal strengths. In one case, when the radio station was shut down, there was a statistically significant improvement of sleep quality after only one day. Fortunately, melatonin levels were not affected by the magnetic field strength. So, sleep disturbances can be very significant when one is sleeping in the home environment near a strong transmitter. It becomes almost impossible to fix this problem without moving away from the transmitter. Therapeutic PEMF therapies that modulate brainwave frequencies may be able to help to counteract the transmitter signals.



Because the brain is a dynamic and bioelectric organ, and sensitive to PEMFs, PEMF therapies should be considered to help people having problems with sleep. All kinds of PEMF systems have been studied to enhance sleep, from very weak microtesla fields to very powerful multi-Tesla fields. While my experience has been that most people who use PEMFs systems find they sleep better when they are used in the evening, this review is helpful to provide the science behind these observations.

Anybody who currently owns a PEMF system could regularly use it before bedtime to help with sleep. Anybody with health issues, especially chronic pain, would benefit from PEMFs not only for the relief of pain but also to help with sleep. As we discussed above, PEMFs can also help with depression, not the least of which benefit may be due to enhancement of sleep.

Many PEMF systems are limited by the time that a treatment cycle runs. That is not necessarily a problem when used before bed. However, if it is found that the PEMF system chosen only works for a short time, that is, sleep is interrupted within 2 or 3 hours or bedtime, then a system that can run all night long may be needed. Or, the treatment can be repeated again during the night. For this purpose I would tend to use the highest intensity available, unless extra sensitive, to more quickly recapture the desired sleep inducing brainwave frequencies.

I would also usually stay away from higher frequency (over 8Hz) magnetic fields in the evening and overnight, as some research has shown that they may excite the brain. Increased excitability or activity of the brain is common in sleep disorders. This is based on the principle of resonance – higher frequencies tend to make you more alert by increasing brain excitability or activity. On the other hand, higher frequencies above 40 Hz, from the above research, may stimulate REM sleep or dreaming. This could be of practical value for people who want to do dream work. Still, I would not use frequencies higher than 40Hz during the early part of the night.

It’s also possible that a magnetic system may be necessary that allows the selection of different frequencies. In the past, various sound light systems were developed that did ramping up or down of different frequencies, trying to emulate the brain’s own natural rhythms. Some people may find ramping a preferred approach. However, I have found that presenting the brain with a single frequency or narrow band of frequencies (that is low enough and strong enough to adequately entrain brain frequencies) will cause enough areas of the brain to fire at the entraining frequencies, to help to restore or induce sleep. Since different areas of the brain are firing at various frequencies, even in sleep, the extent to which the brainwave frequencies are entrained or whose attention is “grabbed” by a specific chosen PEMF stimulation frequency, is the extent to which the depth and duration of sleep will be affected.

PEMF8000 therapy a device, specifically designed to help get a good night’s rest.”

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Where to buy the most affordable and best PEMF

Where to buy the most effective PEMF devices? Most Affordable?



   Proudly Introduces PEMF8000 DELUXE


All New! High Intensity!
Most Affordable! Most Effective!

Includes Our Newest PEMF8000 performing at 2.1 Tesla, 20,000 Gauss Device

All Professional Accessories! Included!

  • PEMF 8000 GEL LOOP
  • PEMF  8000 GEL ROPE


PEMF8000 Best PEMF Devices helps to sustain life by:
  • Best PEMF devices increase oxygenation

  • Best PEMF devices enhance circulation

  • Best PEMF devices facilitate detoxification

  • Best PEMF devices help cells absorb nutrients better

  • Best PEMF devices heal fractures and strengthening bones faster

  • Best PEMF devices improve cell metabolism

  • Best PEMF devices stimulate tissue healing

  • Best PEMF devices reduce muscle loss after surgery

The Best PEMF Devices Are Treating Pain & Other Ailments

PEMF could be the key to healing the widest reaching incurable health problem in the U.S. This health problem is chronic pain due to illness, injury, surgery and old age. Doctors using the best PEMF devices are treating pain and other ailments with success. Veterinarians, Chiropractors and Physicians all use the best PEMF devices from PEMF8000. Clinical evidence shows that the best PEMF devices reduce pain regardless of its origin.

The best PEMF devices have been in use for decades.

PEMF therapy was well established by the mid-1900’s. The first commercially produced high power PEMF devices entered the market around 1975. The best PEMF devices have been accepted in many countries around the world. NASA has done research on the benefits of PEMF.

Best PEMF Devices act as a Whole Body Battery Re-Charger

The best PEMF devices have been found to improve conditions in many concurrent ways including mechanical, chemical, electrical and magnetic processes within the cells of the body. The best PEMF devices work at a cellular level re-charging the body. PEMF8000 best PEMF devices will help “jump start” the healing process and help your body to be in balance. Cells communicate via electromagnetic frequencies.

The best PEMF devices help these electromagnetic exchanges to happen. When using the best PEMF devices, energy levels increase in all cells of the body. This helps to rebalance and restore optimum cell function. These best PEMF devices promote and maintain general cellular health and function. The best PEMF devices enable your body to heal itself.

PEMF8000 With superior engineering comes superior performance. The redesigned PEMF8000 offers unrivaled speed of induction, which translates into a more dynamic treatment experience. Tissues respond rapidly, aches and pains are alleviated and cellular energy is returned.

PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY LLC was founded in 2012. We are a family-owned and operated manufacturing company that is inspired from a passion for high technology and meaningful service to others. PEMF 8000 creator has over 20 years of experience with Tesla Technology and diligently engineered the PEMF8000 Device for quality and 20th Century State-of-the-art Science!

We research, develop & manufacture game-changing technologies for patients who have few treatment options they can count on.

You can find our devices in the homes of out-patients and in the offices of chiropractors, therapists, caregivers, and veterinarians in all four corners of the globe.

Because the results we achieve with our device are unmatched, we define the cutting-edge in the PEMF industry.

I expect this information will help you to better understand the un-answered questions you may have about PEMF!

I look forward to speaking with you anytime so kindly call anytime that is convenient for you! My goal is to assist you, and loved ones reach a new pinnacle of health and wellness. Please, take your time with this information, science, and video education and kindly get back to me anytime with any questions or concerns,

I realize your knowledge and study exploring the PEMF field can be difficult and confusing. I trust I can answer all your questions so we can get you started right away experiencing our device.

Our company has been successful for 10 years and has over 20 years in the field of PEMF Science and research.  I would love to have you experience the effectiveness, and power of our machine. It has a 30 Day money back guarantee. No other PEMF offers this agreement. With no charge for re-stocking nor shipping.

Review and consider our affordable PEMF8000 devices that are further-more superior as an alternative to the popular and overpriced PEMF120, Magna-pulse, Magnawave, PMT1000, and others that cost over $22,000.00 per Device!

The fact is that PEMF 8000 is low-priced, made in the USA, both our devices lead the field in advanced technology, and will continue to update and research our already remarkable device! 30 Day Money back guarantee, and a Limited Lifetime Warranties! There is no other PEMF company in the world-wide industry that offers all these benefits!

Improve Your Health and Wellness with Magnetic Pulse Therapy

You can make your muscle groups work with magnetic pulse therapy without putting a lot of efforts within. This therapy excites the muscle mass to contract and flake out for several times in a minute. Hence they enhance energy and get healthier. Along with working up your tissue muscles, this therapy also provides other health benefits like reducing pain. Therefore, this is a great alternative to various medicines and it really works. Magnetic pulse therapy is yet a new type of medicinal therapy that is proven to work really very well. There are several people who try it to enjoy several health benefits.

If you choose to purchase a Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy device , you should consider this new amazing technology because it can help many body systems to be active and healthy once again.

This therapy device, directs the waves of electromagnetic energy and pulses around your body. Electromagnetic therapy apparatus has several variations and everyone have their own pros and cons. Before you buy an apparatus, make sure to consider the options available for your health.

There are several apparatuses readily available in the market for magnetic pulse therapy. Make sure to know a lot about them before buying. To make this therapy work, several technologies have been used. All of these apparatuses have their own benefits and cons and it is important to know both sides. Ask few questions about the machines before you make a hectic investment. Know the science behind magnetic pulse therapy so that you will be confident while buying the machine of electromagnetic therapy. You may also be able to buy the product you desire which can help you fulfill your diverse needs.

For more details visit here:


Where to buy the most affordable and best PEMF

Where to buy the most effective PEMF devices? Most Affordable?



   Proudly Introduces PEMF8000 DELUXE


All New! High Intensity!
Most Affordable! Most Effective!

Includes Our Newest PEMF8000 performing at 2.1 Tesla, 20,000 Gauss Device

All Professional Accessories! Included!

  • PEMF 8000 GEL LOOP
  • PEMF  8000 GEL ROPE


PEMF8000 Best PEMF Devices helps to sustain life by:
  • Best PEMF devices increase oxygenation

  • Best PEMF devices enhance circulation

  • Best PEMF devices facilitate detoxification

  • Best PEMF devices help cells absorb nutrients better

  • Best PEMF devices heal fractures and strengthening bones faster

  • Best PEMF devices improve cell metabolism

  • Best PEMF devices stimulate tissue healing

  • Best PEMF devices reduce muscle loss after surgery

The Best PEMF Devices Are Treating Pain & Other Ailments

PEMF could be the key to healing the widest reaching incurable health problem in the U.S. This health problem is chronic pain due to illness, injury, surgery and old age. Doctors using the best PEMF devices are treating pain and other ailments with success. Veterinarians, Chiropractors and Physicians all use the best PEMF devices from PEMF8000. Clinical evidence shows that the best PEMF devices reduce pain regardless of its origin.

The best PEMF devices have been in use for decades.

PEMF therapy was well established by the mid-1900’s. The first commercially produced high power PEMF devices entered the market around 1975. The best PEMF devices have been accepted in many countries around the world. NASA has done research on the benefits of PEMF.

Best PEMF Devices act as a Whole Body Battery Re-Charger

The best PEMF devices have been found to improve conditions in many concurrent ways including mechanical, chemical, electrical and magnetic processes within the cells of the body. The best PEMF devices work at a cellular level re-charging the body. PEMF8000 best PEMF devices will help “jump start” the healing process and help your body to be in balance. Cells communicate via electromagnetic frequencies.

The best PEMF devices help these electromagnetic exchanges to happen. When using the best PEMF devices, energy levels increase in all cells of the body. This helps to rebalance and restore optimum cell function. These best PEMF devices promote and maintain general cellular health and function. The best PEMF devices enable your body to heal itself.

PEMF8000 With superior engineering comes superior performance. The redesigned PEMF8000 offers unrivaled speed of induction, which translates into a more dynamic treatment experience. Tissues respond rapidly, aches and pains are alleviated and cellular energy is returned.

PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY LLC was founded in 2012. We are a family-owned and operated manufacturing company that is inspired from a passion for high technology and meaningful service to others. PEMF 8000 creator has over 20 years of experience with Tesla Technology and diligently engineered the PEMF8000 Device for quality and 20th Century State-of-the-art Science!

We research, develop & manufacture game-changing technologies for patients who have few treatment options they can count on.

You can find our devices in the homes of out-patients and in the offices of chiropractors, therapists, caregivers, and veterinarians in all four corners of the globe.

Because the results we achieve with our device are unmatched, we define the cutting-edge in the PEMF industry.

I expect this information will help you to better understand the un-answered questions you may have about PEMF!

I look forward to speaking with you anytime so kindly call anytime that is convenient for you! My goal is to assist you, and loved ones reach a new pinnacle of health and wellness. Please, take your time with this information, science, and video education and kindly get back to me anytime with any questions or concerns,

I realize your knowledge and study exploring the PEMF field can be difficult and confusing. I trust I can answer all your questions so we can get you started right away experiencing our device.

Our company has been successful for 10 years and has over 20 years in the field of PEMF Science and research.  I would love to have you experience the effectiveness, and power of our machine. It has a 30 Day money back guarantee. No other PEMF offers this agreement. With no charge for re-stocking nor shipping.

Review and consider our affordable PEMF8000 devices that are further-more superior as an alternative to the popular and overpriced PEMF120, Magna-pulse, Magnawave, PMT1000, and others that cost over $22,000.00 per Device!

The fact is that PEMF 8000 is low-priced, made in the USA, both our devices lead the field in advanced technology, and will continue to update and research our already remarkable device! 30 Day Money back guarantee, and a Limited Lifetime Warranties! There is no other PEMF company in the world-wide industry that offers all these benefits!

Improve Your Health and Wellness with Magnetic Pulse Therapy

You can make your muscle groups work with magnetic pulse therapy without putting a lot of efforts within. This therapy excites the muscle mass to contract and flake out for several times in a minute. Hence they enhance energy and get healthier. Along with working up your tissue muscles, this therapy also provides other health benefits like reducing pain. Therefore, this is a great alternative to various medicines and it really works. Magnetic pulse therapy is yet a new type of medicinal therapy that is proven to work really very well. There are several people who try it to enjoy several health benefits.

If you choose to purchase a Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy device , you should consider this new amazing technology because it can help many body systems to be active and healthy once again.

This therapy device, directs the waves of electromagnetic energy and pulses around your body. Electromagnetic therapy apparatus has several variations and everyone have their own pros and cons. Before you buy an apparatus, make sure to consider the options available for your health.

There are several apparatuses readily available in the market for magnetic pulse therapy. Make sure to know a lot about them before buying. To make this therapy work, several technologies have been used. All of these apparatuses have their own benefits and cons and it is important to know both sides. Ask few questions about the machines before you make a hectic investment. Know the science behind magnetic pulse therapy so that you will be confident while buying the machine of electromagnetic therapy. You may also be able to buy the product you desire which can help you fulfill your diverse needs.

For more details visit here:


Saturday, September 23, 2017

PEMF Therapy Science-Backed Health Benefits

PEMF Therapy Science-Backed Health Benefits

Human-Cells-PEMF-Therapy pemf8000

To have healthy cells, you have to undergo an active, regular process – tune up your cells, which will slow aging and reduce the risk of cell dysfunction.

After all, as long as our cells are healthy, our bodies are healthy.

Even if cell dysfunction is imperceptible to the naked eye, it can lead to disease — if it’s not corrected on time.

By utilizing pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) every day, you can fine-tune your health in just minutes.

Once symptoms of a known disease or condition are detected, PEMF treatments can often help cells rebalance dysfunction faster (whether they’re applied alone or along with other therapies).

Numerous benefits of PEMF therapy have been manifested through more than 2,000 medical studies (which were conducted all around the world with several different PEMF therapy devices).

The positive effects of PEMF were well-established by the mid-20th century.

They were used for experimentation in healing and cellular wellness.

They were sold to both doctors (as medical devices) and consumers (as therapeutic devices).

The first high-power PEMF therapy devices appeared on the market in the 1970s.

They were used to improve the health of muscles, tendons, nerves, ligaments, and cartilage.

And they reduced pain and cellular regeneration.

Many countries around the world have accepted medical PEMF therapy devices.

§ In the US, the FDA has approved the use of PEMF therapy for treating non-union bone fractures (in 1979), muscle stimulation and urinary incontinence (in 1998), and anxiety and depression (in 2006).

§ Canada has accepted PEMF devices for several uses.

§ Israel has accepted PEMF devices for migraine headaches.

§ The EU has accepted the use of PEMF therapy to aid in recovery (from degeneration and trauma) and treat a range of motion issues.

§ PEMF therapy devices have been mostly used in Switzerland, Germany, and Austria to treat cancer. High-power PEMF therapy devices (such as PMT120 and PAP IMI) have been successfully used to overcharge malignant tumor cells and induce apoptosis.

What are PEMFs


Science teaches us that everything is energy. It’s always dynamic, so it has a frequency.

All energy is electromagnetic in nature. All atoms, cells, and chemicals produce EMFs.

Every organ in our body produces its own electromagnetic field.

It’s been proven that our bodies actually project their own fields and that all 70 trillion body cells send signals via electromagnetic frequencies.

No reaction takes place in the body without an electromagnetic exchange.

Once the electromagnetic activity of your body ceases, you’re no longer alive.

Since PEMFs deal with impaired chemistry and the function of cells, they boost overall health.

PEMFs deliver beneficial EMFs and frequencies to cells.

Even the weakest frequencies are capable of penetrating every cell, bone, tissue, and organ (without being altered or absorbed).

Most of the chemical and electrical processes in tissues are stimulated by PEMFs passing through them.

Therapeutic PEMFs are particularly designed to support cellular energy in a positive way, so they provide better cellular function and health.

Devices that produce PEMFs can vary according to a number of important features: waveform, frequency, strength, and type of stimulators.

Frequencies can be complex or simple, and the intensity can also be low, medium, or high.

There’s no one-size-fits-all treatment.

Most PEMF devices help to a certain degree, depending on the condition or problem.

But choosing the wrong device may lead to unsatisfactory results.

Since our body is complex, PEMFs are an ideal pathway to getting good results (without the need for a myriad of different treatments).

What’s the Best Frequency


According to NASA, lower frequencies are ideal for stimulating cell growth, healing, and repair.

And our brains, cells, and bodies operate and resonate at the same frequencies as the earth’s geomagnetic and Schumann frequencies.

Electroencephalograms (EEGs) and medical science have shown that the brain operates from 0-30 Hz, which corresponds to both low-delta to high-beta brainwave frequencies.

All of these claims were backed by a number of studies, which demonstrated that our cells and tissues resonate at these same frequencies.

Some of the studies even showed that the human body radiates or emits these same frequencies.

Why is it important to use the most relevant frequency?

That’s the only way to make sure you use a device that operates at its best.

There are a great number of studies confirming that this window is ideal for repairing and healing the body.

Why is a Biorhythm Clock Important

You need a PEMF therapy device to provide you with the correct frequency range.

But you’ll also need a biorhythm clock to give you the right frequency for a specific time of the day.

For instance, in the morning, you want to be alert. So a beta-frequency (15-30 Hz) would be appropriate.

On the other hand, before going to bed, you want to relax and prepare your body and mind for rest.

So you’ll want to use a theta-delta frequency (0-7 Hz).

Interestingly enough, earth’s frequencies are a bit faster during daylight hours.

Meanwhile, on the dark side of the earth, the frequencies are slightly slower.

So although the body resonates to all frequencies in the 0-30 range, it’d be ideal to use the settings that are in alignment with the time of day and the wave patterns of the circadian rhythms.

What is the Ideal Amplitude or Intensity

Amplitude or intensity are as important as frequency.

While there’s an ideal frequency range for the body, there’s also an amplitude/intensity window.

If the amplitude is strong enough, the cells won’t be affected.

On the other hand, if the amplitude is too strong, it may be harmful to the cell.

Numerous studies (including the NASA study) have shown that a low intensity is the best, safest amplitude.

Human cells are very sensitive.

In other words, they respond to the slightest signal, even in the pico-tesla range (100,000 times weaker than the earth’s magnetic field).

When it comes to PEMF therapy, less is more.

Less PEMF is beneficial, essential, and safe, whereas more is inefficient (and can even be harmful).

In addition, plenty of research suggests that a lesser field strength proves more effective in clinical studies.

On the market, you’ll find PEMF devices, which have intensities that are way too high.

Don’t fall for their tricks; they’ll tell you that you need a stronger device.

The key to frequency isn’t intensity; it’s resonance.

For that reason, look for a device that uses intensities close to the ones the earth provides.

Moreover, if you’re chemically sensitive, try to find a PEMF device with lower-intensity settings (in the pico- and nanotesla range).

Health Benefits of PEMF Therapy


PEMFs stimulate electrical changes — around and within the cell.

Therefore, they induce improved cellular behavior.

An improved blood supply increases oxygen pressure, which thus activates and regenerates cells.

The improved transportation of calcium increases its absorption in bones and improves the quality of cartilage in joints.

Thus, it decreases pain to a greater extent. Acute, chronic pain may completely disappear.

Here are some beneficial effects of PEMF.

Treats Arthritis

Indian scientists report that PEMF therapy has been found to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.

Namely, a 1998 study published in the Journal of the Indian Medical Associationfound that PEMF therapy can beneficially treat rheumatoid arthritis (1).

Promotes Cell Regeneration

A 1986 study published in the Annals of Plastic Surgery investigated the role of PEMF therapy in soft-tissue healing.

According to the reports that were designed to evaluate the effect of PEMF on wound healing, electrical PEMF stimulation showed little to no effect on soft-tissue healing.

However, researchers agree that further investigation is required to provoke an adequate response in soft tissues (2).

Improves Circulation

In 2004, a study published in the Journal of Orthopedic Research was conducted to determine the acute effects of PEMF stimulation on arteriolar microvessel function.

The methods included rats, whose arteriolar diameters were measured before and after PEMF stimulation.

The results show that local PEMF stimulation promoted significant vasodilation.

Moreover,local application of PEMF can induce significant arteriolar vasodilation, so they promote circulation (3).

Relieves the Symptoms of Depression

According to a 2000 study published in Radiatsionnaia Biologiia Radioecologiia, PEMF therapy beneficially affects the emotional behavior and motor activity of rats.

They discovered that a frequency range of 4-6 Hz significantly decreases the negative reactions of anxiety and fear (4).

Decreases Diabetic Factors

Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology published a study in 2003, which was performed on 121 patients with diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN).

The study demonstrated a correlation between DPN and the frequency of PEMF therapy.

PEMF therapy has been shown to facilitate the main symptoms of DPN, improve the function of peripheral nerves, and improve the function of motor neurons in the spinal cord.

For that reason, PEMF was found to be effective at treating DPN and diabetes mellitus (5).

Promotes Bone Healing

According to a 1999 study published by the Bangladesh Medical Research Council, PEMF stimulation enhances bone healing.

Even though the mechanisms are still unclear, researchers are seeking empirical evidence (6).

Treats Migraines

In 1999, a study conducted in the United States investigated the effects of PEMF on 42 patients suffering from migraine headaches.

After exposure, all the patients experienced fewer headaches by the second month.

Therefore, using PEMF therapy for at least 3 weeks is an effective intervention for migraines (in the short-term) (7).

Induces Nerve Repair

The Bio-electromagnetics Society published a 1993 study, which investigated the correlation between sciatic nerve repair and PEMF therapy.

The results showed that PEMF pretreatment conditioned the rats’ sciatic nerves, which indicated that PEMF affects the neuronal cell body (8).

Relieves Pain

In 1993, a group of researchers investigated the effects of PEMF therapy on pain relief.

The study was published in the European Journal of Surgery.

It demonstrates how brief exposure of affected areas to the application of PEMF induces an effective treatment (in the short-term).

The study particularly focused on pelvic pain, where patients experienced marked relief (9).

Increases the Range of Motion

According to a 1996 study published in Clinical Rheumatology, PEMF shows beneficial effects on the range of motion and pain in patients with cervical osteoarthritis.

34 patients were included in the study. After the treatment, they were found to have reduced muscle spasms and neck pain, as well as an increased range of motion (10).


When faced with a health problem, people often turn to conventional treatments.

But now there’s something new in the field of preventative health and wellness.

Even though enormous amounts of money are invested in the healthcare industry, only 10% is being invested in alternative or preventative modalities.

But society as a whole is looking for the alternative, complementary solutions.

Therefore, pulsed electromagnetic fields are gaining momentum.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

PEMF | What is PEMF? | How does PEMF Work? | Understanding PEMF | What is a PEMF Device? What can PEMF do for me?

What is PEMF? | How does PEMF Work? | Understanding PEMF | What is a PEMF Device? What can PEMF do for me?
Simple! Having healthy cells is not a passive process. Active, regular tuning-up of our cells is not only feasible but also necessary to slow aging and reduce the risk of cell dysfunction. We are, after all, only as healthy as our cells. Imperceptible cell dysfunction that is not corrected early can lead to disease. Fine-tuning can be done daily in only minutes, using pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs). In addition, when there is a known imbalance (when symptoms are present) or there is a known disease or condition, PEMF treatments, used either alone or along with other therapies, can often help cells rebalance dysfunction faster.
What is a PEMF Device?
A PEMF device is an electrical device that produces a healthy Pulsed Electromagnetic Field energy that is simply and naturally introduced to the body. Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy re-energizes damaged cells by inducing electrical changes within the cell that restore it to its normal healthy state.  Because of this, cellular metabolism is boosted, blood cells are regenerated, circulation is improved and oxygen carrying capacity is increased. Ultimately, the immune system becomes healthier, the nervous system relaxes, bones and joints become stronger and vital organs such as the liver, kidneys and colon are able to rid themselves of impurities thus detoxifying the body.  Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy can reduce pain and improve the quality of your life by allowing your body to function as it was designed to do.

PEMFs work to:

· Reduce pain, inflammation, the effects of stress on the body, and platelet adhesion.
· Improve energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation, sleep quality, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, the uptake of nutrients, cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells.
· Balance the immune system and stimulate RNA and DNA.
· Accelerate repair of bone and soft tissue.
· Relax muscles.
§ Improved micro-circulation
§ Increased supply of oxygen, ions, and nutrients to cells
§ Increased partial oxygen pressure
§ Increased ATP production by excitation of electrons
§ Stimulation of DNA and RNA production
§ Accelerated protein bio-synthesis by electron and energy transfer
§ Anti-oxidation regulation with increased circulation of available electrons
§ Increased calcium transport and absorption for stronger bones, joints, and muscles
§ Enhanced cellular tissue elasticity with increased collagen production
§ Stimulation of cellular repair mechanism
§ Accelerated detoxification of cells and organs
§ Decreased swelling, inflammation, and pain
§ Boosting of the immune system
§ Supporting the body’s internal self-regulating mechanisms by activating cellular and molecular processes.
§ Stimulates the release of endorphins

PEMFs have been used extensively for decades for many conditions and medical disciplines, and results can be seen in animals as well as humans. The National Institutes of Health have made PEMFs a priority for research. In fact, many PEMF devices have already been approved by the FDA, some specifically to fuse broken bones, wound healing, pain and tissue swelling, and treat depression. Most therapeutic PEMF devices are considered safe by various standards and organizations.
What are PEMFs and how do they work?
Science teaches us that everything is energy. Energy is always dynamic and, therefore, has a frequency; it changes by the second or minute, for example, at the very least.
All energy is electromagnetic in nature. All atoms, chemicals and cells produce electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Every organ in the body produces it own signature bio-electro-magnetic field. Science has proven that our bodies actually project their own magnetic fields and that all 70 trillion cells in the body communicate via electromagnetic frequencies. Nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange. When the electromagnetic activity of the body ceases, life ceases.
Physics, that is, electromagnetic energy, controls chemistry. This in turn controls tissue function. Disruption of electromagnetic energy in cells causes impaired cell metabolism, whatever the initial cause. This happens anywhere in the disease process.
PEMFs address impaired chemistry and thus the function of cells – which in turn, improves health. PEMFs deliver beneficial, health-enhancing EMFs and frequencies to the cells. Low frequency PEMFs of even the weakest strengths pass right through the body, penetrating every cell, tissue, organ and even bone without being absorbed or altered! As they pass through, they stimulate most of the electrical and chemical processes in the tissues. Therapeutic PEMFs are specifically designed to positively support cellular energy, resulting in better cellular health and function.
Devices that produce PEMFs vary by a number of important features: frequency, waveform, strength, and types of stimulators. Frequencies can be simple or complex; and high, medium or low. Intensity can also be high, medium or low.
No “one-size” treatment fits all situations. Most PEMF devices help to varying degrees depending on the problem or condition, but selecting the wrong device may produce unsatisfactory results. Since the body is complex, PEMFs are ideal devices to be able get good results without needing a myriad of different treatments.
Aren’t some EMFs bad for you?
They can be. Evidence is mounting that a new form of pollution called “Electrosmog” is a very real threat because it is disruptive to cell metabolism. Manmade, unnatural EMFs come from electrical wiring and equipment, for example, power lines, communications towers, computers, TVs, cell phones – everything from the wiring in our homes to fluorescent lighting to microwave ovens, hair dryers, clock radios, electric blankets and more.
Electrosmog EMFs are not designed with the body in mind. They can be a strong inducer of stress in the body and, therefore, drain our energy. Electrosmog includes “dirty” electricity, ground currents, microwaves and radio waves. Microwaves are not only from leaky microwave ovens, but also from cell towers, cell phones and wireless equipment.
Electrosmog is all around us and can only be partially blocked. One of the best solutions is to take measures to decrease your exposure. With therapeutic PEMFs, one can purposely add beneficial balancing frequencies to the body to decrease the burden of the negative effects of electrosmog.
PEMFs and Magnets: What’s the difference?
PEMFs are frequency-based, applied to either the whole body or parts of the body.  PEMFs may only be needed for short periods of time, while the effects last for many hours, setting in motion cellular and whole-body changes to restore and maintain balance in metabolism and health. The body does not acclimate, or “get used to,” the healthy energy signals of therapeutic PEMFs, even if used for a long time, compared to magnets.
Stationary (or “static”), non-varying, magnetic fields from magnets have fixed strengths. They are used in mattresses, bracelets, knee wraps and the like. Most have very shallow penetration into the body, resulting in a very limited ability to affect deeper tissues, and they rarely treat all the cells of the body simultaneously. Only skilled practitioners may guide you to get the best results from these approaches.
Experience with PEMFs
There are quite a number of PEMF systems available now in the US, for daily in-home use, that can help meet your unique needs. Some are FDA-approved and many more are available over-the counter or from various experienced practitioners. Some whole-body systems have been available in the US for over a decade and have been used in Europe by tens of thousands of people for a wide variety of problems without significant negative effects for over 20 years. One PEMF system has been studied through NIH-supported research at the University of Virginia for Rheumatoid Arthritis. These whole body systems have been used worldwide, not only by health-conscious individuals for health improvement and maintenance, but also by world-class and Olympic athletes for increased endurance, enhanced performance, and faster recovery.
What kind of doctor can help me with PEMFs?
Unfortunately, very few conventional, and even alternative or holistic, doctors know about these devices or this technological area. This is not a subject of mandatory education for doctors. Doctors often learn about these new technologies long after the public does, as has been seen with acupuncture. The process of educating doctors and other non-medical practitioners is growing all the time but will take years. Be patient and look for practitioners who have expertise in the area of PEMF therapies.
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PEMF- Benefits | PEMF Wellness Technology | PEMF 8000

“ PEMF is a benefit for Mankind from infant to geriatric.  PEMF will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine. “ Dr. Linus Pauling — Dou...